JIRA applications and project types overview

The JIRA family of applications are built to deliver a tailored experience to their user. JIRA Core is the default application of JIRA, and will always be present in a JIRA instance. You may also choose to include other applications in your instance, such as JIRA Software or JIRA Service Desk. A user may require access to one, all, or any combination of these applications.

Note that as JIRA Core is the default application, if you have a license for JIRA Software or JIRA Service Desk, your users automatically have access to JIRA Core without requiring an additional license. For example, a JIRA Software user can view development information on an agile board, and can also view business projects.

Application features and project types

Each application delivers a tailored experience for its users, and has an associated project type, which in turn, offers application-specific features. Below is a list of the project types, and their associated application-specific features.

ApplicationProject typeApplication-specific feature set
JIRA Core Business projects
  • Available to all licensed users of JIRA
JIRA Software Software projects
  • Integration with development tools
  • Agile boards
  • Release hub for software version release
JIRA Service Desk Service Desk projects
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
  • A customizable web portal for customers
  • Permission schemes allowing customer access

Application features and users

All users that can log in to a JIRA instance will be able to see all the projects in that instance (pending permissions), but they will only be able to see the application-specific features when they have application access. For example, a Software project is able to display information from linked development applications, such as Bitbucket and FishEye on a Software project, and you can create agile boards, but this information is only viewable by a JIRA Software user. A JIRA Core user would be able to see the Software project, but would not be able to see the application-specific features, like agile boards or development information. Likewise, a JIRA Software user would not be able to see any JIRA Service Desk application-specific features on a Service Desk project — only a basic view of the project and its issues.

  • Only a JIRA administrator can create a project for an installed application. They do not need application access to create the project, but they do need application access if they'd like to view or use the project.
  • Anonymous users will have access equivalent to JIRA Core users. In other words, they can view issues and work in any type of project, but they won't see application-specific features, e.g. agile boards, which are JIRA Software-specific features. To know how to allow anonymous users access to projects, see Allowing anonymous access to your instance.


A list of the applications, their default user groups, and their project's application-specific features is listed below:

   JIRA CoreJIRA SoftwareJIRA Service Desk


Project levelView(tick)(tick)(tick)
Issue level

JIRA GadgetsView(tick)(tick)(tick)


Project levelView(tick)(tick)(tick)
Issue level

View development information(tick)(tick)(tick)
View release information(error)(tick)(error)
Board levelCreate(error)(tick)(error)
JIRA Software gadgetsView(error)(tick)(error)

Service Desk

Project levelView(tick)(tick)(tick)
Issue level

SLA levelCreate(error)(error)(tick)
Queue levelCreate(error)(error)(tick)
JIRA Service Desk gadgetsView(error)(error)(tick)
Last modified on Sep 4, 2017

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