About capabilities and requirements
- an executable (e.g. Maven)
- a JDK
- a Version Control System client application (e.g. Git)
- a custom capability. This is a key-value property which defines a particular characteristic of an agent (e.g. 'operating.system=WindowsXP' or 'fast.builds=true').
Capabilities typically define the path to an executable that has already been installed, and must be defined in Bamboo before Bamboo or its agents can make use of those.
Capabilities can be defined specifically for an agent, or they can be shared between all remote agents. Note that the value of an agent-specific capability overrides the value of a shared capability of the same name (if one exists).
See Configuring capabilities for more information.
How do capabilities work with requirements?
A requirement is specified in a job or a task. A requirement specifies a capability that an agent must have for it to build that job or task. A job inherits all of the requirements specified in its tasks.
Together, capabilities and requirements control which agents can execute builds for particular jobs. Each job can only be built by agents whose capabilities match the job's requirements.
See Configuring a job's requirements for more information.
How are builds distributed to agents?
An agent will consume a single job at a time and will block any other Bamboo jobs from being processed until that job build is complete. If you would like to build multiple jobs simultaneously, then simply install multiple remote agents. Separate installations are required because each remote agent will need its own home and log directories.
How do capabilities affect the distribution of builds to agents?