This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.5. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

The script below has been used by an Atlassian customer to change a username in Bamboo 3.1. No guarantees are implied by its presence here.

update ACL_ENTRY set SID='newusername' where SID='oldusername';
update ACL_OBJECT_IDENTITY set OWNER_SID='newusername' where OWNER_SID='oldusername';
update AUDIT_LOG set USER_NAME='newusername' where USER_NAME='oldusername';
update AUTHOR set LINKED_USER_NAME='newusername' where LINKED_USER_NAME='oldusername';
update AUTHOR set AUTHOR_NAME='newusername' where AUTHOR_NAME='oldusername';
update AUTH_ATTEMPT_INFO set USER_NAME='newusername' where USER_NAME='oldusername';
update BUILDRESULTSUMMARY_CUSTOMDATA set CUSTOM_INFO_VALUE='newusername' where  CUSTOM_INFO_VALUE='oldusername' && CUSTOM_INFO_KEY='ManualBuildTriggerReason.userName';
update BUILDRESULTSUMMARY_LABEL set USER_NAME='newusername' where USER_NAME='oldusername';
update LABEL set NAMESPACE='newusername' where NAMESPACE='oldusername';
update NOTIFICATIONS set RECIPIENT='newusername' where RECIPIENT='oldusername';
update REMEMBERME_TOKEN set USERNAME='newusername' where USERNAME='oldusername';
update USER_COMMENT set USER_NAME='newusername' where USER_NAME='oldusername';
update external_entities set name='newusername' where name='oldusername';
update users set name='newusername' where name='oldusername';
  • No labels