This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.5. View this page for the

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of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

An elastic instance is a running instance of an elastic image. One elastic instance is created whenever an elastic image is started. Hence, starting one elastic image multiple times, results in the creation of multiple elastic instances. Each time an elastic instance is created, one elastic agent is created on that instance.

Conceptually, an elastic instance can be thought of as a computer. The elastic agent's processes are run on this computer and the elastic image is the boot hard drive. Unlike computers, however, elastic instances are temporary and stateless. When an elastic instance is shut down:

  • Any changes that an elastic instance makes to the boot hard drive (e.g. agent log file) will not persist
  • Any customisations to the instance itself will also be lost.

(tick) The Amazon Elastic Block Store can provide persistent storage for your elastic instances.

You can also view information about your elastic instances on the AWS Management Console. Please note, we strongly recommend that you use the console for viewing instance information only. You may experience errors if you attempt to manage your instances outside of Bamboo.

To view an elastic instance:

  1. Click the  icon and select Elastic Instances.
  2. Click the name of the instance that you want to view, e.g. 'i-05ff716c'.

    Current statusThe status of the elastic instance. Values include, 'Pending' (instance starting up), 'Running' and 'Shutting down'.
    Public DNSThe public DNS address of the elastic instance. The IP address of the elastic instance is displayed here.
    Start TimeThe start time of the instance, based on the Amazon EC2 timezone (US Eastern Time for Elastic Bamboo). Start time is the time when you sent the request to start an instance, not the time when the instance progresses to 'Running' status. Up time of the instance (including the time taken for the instance to start up) is shown in brackets after the start time.
    Elastic AgentThe elastic agent process currently running on your elastic instance. Currently, Elastic Bamboo only supports one elastic agent per elastic image. Click the link to view the elastic agent. If the agent is running a job, the job's key will be shown in brackets after the elastic agent name.
    Current Availability ZoneThe availability zone that your elastic instance is running in. Read more about Amazon EC2 availability zones.
    Your availability zone preference is shown in brackets after the current availability zone. For instructions on how to set the availability zone for your instances, please see Managing your elastic image configurations.
    Attached VolumesThe IDs of the attached EBS volumes, if you have configured your elastic instances to use EBS.
    ConfigurationThe name of the elastic image configuration that was used to create this elastic instance. Click the name to configure the elastic image.
    AMI IDThe ID of the elastic image (i.e. Amazon Machine Image) that the elastic instance was created from (as part of the elastic image configuration).
    EBS Snapshot ID

    The ID of the EBS snapshot that was used to create the EBS volumes attached to your instance, if you have configured your elastic instances to use EBS.

    (info)Bamboo polls the EBS volumes for an elastic instance every 60 seconds by default. If you want to change this interval, you need to modify the following system property: bamboo.agent.elastic.ebsVolumeSupervisionIntervalInSeconds
    Instance TypeThe instance type of your instance.
    SSH AccessPlease see Accessing an elastic instance for information on using this function.
    Accessing LogsPlease see Accessing an elastic instance for information on using this function.

Screenshot: Viewing an elastic instance