This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.5. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

About labels

A label is a convenient way to tag and group build results that are logically related to each other. Labels can also be used to define RSS feeds and to control build expiry.

Labels can be applied to build results automatically, by specifying the label(s) in a plan (note that only Bamboo administrators can do this). Labels can also be applied ad hoc to build results by Bamboo users.

With Bamboo, you can label your build results in whatever way works best for your team. Labels are not restricted to a particular plan, so you can apply the same label to build results from different plans.

For example, it might not be practical for your QA team to review every build, and you need to know which builds they have reviewed. By using labels such as "qa_passed" and "qa_failed", Bamboo allows them to simply indicate which builds have passed and failed QA.

Related pages

For information on working with labels, see the following topics:

  • No labels