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Bamboo offers a range of optional settings to make your deployment project function more smoothly. Deployment triggers allow you to configure how and when Bamboo will trigger a deployment project. You can set up triggers to start your deployment automatically. Triggering strategies include:

  • Cron based scheduling
  • Timed daily build
  • Successful plan conclusion

On this page:

Configuring a deployment trigger 

Deployment triggers are configured as part of the Other settings section of the environment panel. To configure a trigger:

  1. Open your deployment project and expand the relevant environment panel. In the Other settings section, click on the Triggers button. The Triggers screen will display:

  2. Click on the Add Trigger button do display the Trigger configuration screen:

  3. Complete the 'Trigger configuration' screen using the following fields:

    Trigger descriptionA brief description of your trigger(tick)
    Trigger typeThe type of trigger you wish to employ. Available triggers are:
    • Cron based scheduling
    • Timed daily build
    • Successful plan conclusion

    Each trigger type will require individual configuration as described:

    Trigger typeDescriptionData entryEntry tool
    Cron based schedulingSchedule entryClick on the edit pencil next to the time entry and enter via the Schedule editor
    Timed daily buildNominated build timeEnter a time in the Build Time field E.g. 17:30
    Successful plan conclusionValid plan nameEnter a valid plan name using the drop-down field

    Only triggers applicable to the deployment environment will be available for selection

  4. Select the branch you wish to deploy from using the radio buttons.
    1. Use the branch configured by the deployment environment:
    2. Use a custom branch, selected by the drop down menu:
  5. Click on the Save Trigger button to save your configuration.

Editing a deployment trigger

Existing triggers can be edited at any point by clicking on the Scheduled builds link in the left hand pane of the Triggers window:


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