[Bamboo Cloud docs]
[Bamboo Knowledge Base]
Tasks may make use of an executable if required. Tasks are configured within the scope of a job. A job can be configured to execute a number of tasks, on the same working directory. For example, before executing a Maven goal, the user could substitute specific files within the working directory, substitute version numbers, check out source repositories, or execute a script.
Final tasks for a job are always executed, even if previous tasks in the job failed.
When creating a new job or configuring an existing one, you need to specify the tasks that will execute the job's builds. You must specify an executable for each task. If you specify an Ant, Grails or Maven executable, you will also need to choose a JDK.
When creating a new plan, you can configure the tasks for the plan's default job.
On this page:
To create a task for a job:
Screenshot: Specifying a task for a job — Task types
Tasks can be designated as build tasks or final tasks in a job:
To order the tasks for a job:
Screenshot: Existing Task — Command Task
About the 'Compatibility Task' — The 'Compatibility Task' is created by Bamboo when upgrading from Bamboo 3.0 or earlier and Bamboo cannot match a builder to a task. This may occur if you are using a builder enabled by a custom plugin.