This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.8. View this page for the

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of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

Bamboo makes it easy to monitor and manage your deployment projects.

A single dashboard allows you to monitor deployment environments, deployment status, releases and time/date stamps. It also allows you to edit and deploy your projects.

Manage deployment projects

Deployment projects are viewed and managed from the 'All deployment projects' screen. Think of this as a dashboard for all your deployment projects.

Choose Deploy > All deployment projects from the Bamboo header:

The project list includes the following useful information:

NameThe name of the deployment project.
EnvironmentThe environment the release was deployed to.
ReleaseThe release artifact that Bamboo deployed, or attempted to deploy, to that environment.
ResultThe result of the deployment, and a link to the associated logs.
CompletedThe time and date stamp of the deployment, or the time spent deploying so far.
ActionsActions you can perform: Edit and Deploy

Broken deployments are indicated by a vertical red line beside the environment name and a red deployment icon.

View a particular deployment project

You can drill down into an individual deployment project from the 'All deployment projects' screen (described above) by clicking on the name of a project. You can check on the following:

  • Associated environments
  • Release history
  • Project artifacts details

Project summary

The Project summary tab shows the status of the environments associated with the deployment project:

Details include:

EnvironmentThe environment the release was deployed to.
ReleaseThe release artifact that Bamboo deployed, or attempted to deploy, to that environment
ResultThe result of the deployment, and a link to the associated logs.
CompletedThe time and date stamp for the deployment, or the time spent deploying so far.
ActionsActions you can perform: Edit and Deploy


The Releases tab provides details of the currently deployed release and the history of previous releases associated with the deployment project:

Release details include:

VersionThe name of the release artifact.
Release branchThe branch the release was devived from.
FlaggedAny flags that have been applied to the release. Values are Broken and Approved. Neutral flags remain blank.
CreatedThe time and date stamp for when the release was created.
Deployed onThe environment the release was deployed to.
  • No labels