This is the documentation for Bamboo 5.8. View this page for the

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

of Bamboo, or visit the latest Bamboo documentation.

An author's source-code repository login must have been associated with their Bamboo user profile   before you can see their build results in Bamboo.

To view build results for a particular author:

  1. Click Reports in the top menu bar, then Authors.
  2. Click the List Authors tab.
  3. Click an author's name to see statistics and recent build results for the author:
User DetailsThe author's user details.
Builds Summary A statistical summary of all the author's builds.
Last 10 BuildsThe last 10 builds that were triggered by this author.
Last 10 Broke nThe last 10 builds that were triggered by this author, where the build failed and the previous build for the same plan was successful.
Last 10 FixedThe last 10 builds that were triggered by this author, where the build was successful and the previous build for the same plan failed.