Upgrading remote agents for Mercurial

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The remote agent installer has been modified for Bamboo 2.7 to handle Mercurial source code repositories. This update only impacts Mercurial plans or jobs that use the "SSH/Keyfile with passphrase" option to access the remote repository:

Screenshot: Choosing the 'Keyfile with passphrase' option for a plan or job

If you need to access a Mercurial repository using the SSH protocol with a passphrase-protected keyfile, then you need to upgrade your remote agents to version 2.7 or later. Otherwise, you can keep your old agent. To upgrade your remote agents:

  1. Obtain the Bamboo remote agent for version 2.7 or later (i.e. atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer-x.x.jar where 'x.x' is 2.7 or later). Refer to Bamboo remote agent installation guide for more information.
  2. Use this file to replace your existing atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer.x.x.jar (where 'x.x' is 2.6 or earlier) on the computers running your Bamboo remote agents.
  3. Restart the remote agent (i.e. kill it among with accompanying wrapper processes and then issue the command 'java -jar atlassian-bamboo-agent-installer-2.7.jar yourBambooAgentServer').

This procedure should prepare your agent to build Mercurial plans using passphrase-protected SSH keyfiles.

Last modified on Jul 17, 2019

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