About ephemeral agent templates

To start up an ephemeral agent in its own dedicated Kubernetes pod, Bamboo needs to know how to construct the pod. Templates let Bamboo know what it needs to build Kubernetes pods and run ephemeral agents in them. A template has a name and a YAML configuration with all the necessary details about the building blocks of the pod and the containers it’s supposed to run.

To start creating ephemeral agent templates, enable ephemeral agent support in Bamboo first.

On this page:

Basic template requirements

Every template has the following set of basic requirements:

  • An apiVersion field with a value of v1

  • A kind field with a value of Pod

  • A metadata field to uniquely identify the pod with the following data:

    • A name field with a value equal to '{{NAME}}'

    • A labels field defining the following key and value pair that will be used as the resource label to identify resources it creates and manages in your cluster:


      Replace <VALUE> with the resource label name you want Bamboo to use to identify resources in your Kubernetes cluster.

  • A spec field defining the properties of exactly one ephemeral agent container under containers:

    • An image field declaring the Docker image to use. This can be a custom image or the base Docker image:


Replace <YOUR_BAMBOO_VERSION> with the Bamboo version number that you’re currently running. For example: atlassian/bamboo-agent-base:9.3.0

    • A name field with a value equal to '{{BAMBOO_AGENT_CONTAINER_NAME}}'

    • An env field containing the BAMBOO_EPHEMERAL_AGENT_DATA environment variable with a string value equal to '{{BAMBOO_EPHEMERAL_AGENT_DATA_VAL}}'

  • A restartPolicy field with a value of Never

Here’s an example YAML configuration that you can use as the starting point for creating your own ephemeral agent template:

All of the variables wrapped in double curly braces are placeholders that Bamboo will automatically replace with appropriate values. Make sure to insert them explicitly as shown in the following example.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: '{{NAME}}'
    - image: atlassian/bamboo-agent-base:<YOUR_BAMBOO_VERSION>
          value: '{{BAMBOO_EPHEMERAL_AGENT_DATA_VAL}}'
  restartPolicy: Never
  • Replace <VALUE> with the resource label name you want Bamboo to use to identify resources in your Kubernetes cluster.

  • Replace <YOUR_BAMBOO_VERSION> with the Bamboo version number that you’re currently running. For example: atlassian/bamboo-agent-base:9.3.0

Don't add a namespace property to your templates. When evaluating templates, Bamboo always expects the default namespace. Custom namespaces aren't supported. 

Creating custom images

The base Docker image used in the example YAML configuration above contains only a minimal setup to run a basic ephemeral agent, which may not have sufficient capabilities to run your builds. If you need additional capabilities beyond what the basic image provides, you can extend the image as needed.

To extend the basic image:

  1. Create a new Docker file that defines all the capabilities that you want your ephemeral agent to have. In the following example, we’ll install Maven:

    FROM atlassian/bamboo-agent-base:<YOUR_BAMBOO_VERSION>
    RUN apt-get update && \
        apt-get install maven -y

    Replace <YOUR_BAMBOO_VERSION> with the Bamboo version number that you’re currently running.

  2. Build the new image:

    docker build --tag <MY_IMAGE_TAG>

    For example:

    docker build --tag my-agent-with-maven-image
  3. Create a new template or modify an existing one to use the new image.

  4. Add all the capabilities you need to the template.
    In our Maven example above, the configuration may look like this:

    Capability typeExecutable
    TypeMaven 3.x

You can now use your customized template to run builds and deployments.

Adding multiple containers to a template

Apart from the Bamboo ephemeral agent container, your template can define other containers that the ephemeral agent can communicate with to exchange data or run other processes.

To add multiple containers, define each one as an entry in the containers list.

In the following example, we’ll add extra containers for the PostgreSQL database and nginx server:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: '{{NAME}}'
    - image: atlassian/bamboo-agent-base:<YOUR_BAMBOO_VERSION>
          value: '{{BAMBOO_EPHEMERAL_AGENT_DATA_VAL}}'
    - image: postgres:latest
      name: postgres-db
        - name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD
          value: password
    - image: nginx:latest
      name: nginx-sever
  restartPolicy: Never
  • Replace <VALUE> with the resource label name you want Bamboo to use to identify resources in your Kubernetes cluster.
  • Replace <YOUR_BAMBOO_VERSION> with the Bamboo version number that you’re currently running. For example: atlassian/bamboo-agent-base:9.3.0

Delaying the start of the ephemeral agent container

If you’re going to be running pods with multiple containers in them, it may happen that you’ll want to delay the start of the ephemeral agent container until the other containers are successfully up and running.

An ephemeral agent will wait for all the remaining containers to report their readiness for up to 20 minutes before starting up. 

To delay the start of the ephemeral agent container:

  1. In the .spec.volumes, define an emptyDir volume, where your additional containers will report their readiness.

  2. In the ephemeral agent container configuration section, under volumeMounts, declare a read-only mount point for the previously defined emptyDir volume by specifying a name and mountPath.

  3. In each extra container, under .spec.containers[*].volumeMounts, declare a writeable mount point for the previously added emptyDir volume by specifying the name, mountPath, and readonly: false properties.

  4. To each extra container, under .spec.containers[*], add a postStart lifecycle hook that will execute a command to create a unique file in the mounted volume’s file system. For example:

          command: ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'touch /registration/nginx']
  5. In the ephemeral agent container configuration section, declare the following environment variables as key-value pair entries into the env list:

    • KUBE_NUM_EXTRA_CONTAINERS equal to the number of containers the agent should wait for

    • EXTRA_CONTAINERS_REGISTRATION_DIRECTORY equal to the registration directory mountPath

For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: '{{NAME}}'
    -   name: registration-volume
        emptyDir: {}
    -   image: atlassian/bamboo-agent-base:<YOUR_BAMBOO_VERSION>
          -   name: registration-volume
              mountPath: /registration
              value: '{{BAMBOO_EPHEMERAL_AGENT_DATA_VAL}}'
          -   name: KUBE_NUM_EXTRA_CONTAINERS
              value: '1'
              value: /registration
    -   image: nginx:latest
        name: nginx-sever
          -   name: registration-volume
              mountPath: /registration
              readOnly: false
                 command: ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'touch /registration/nginx']
  restartPolicy: Never
  • Replace <VALUE> with the resource label name you want Bamboo to use to identify resources in your Kubernetes cluster.

  • Replace <YOUR_BAMBOO_VERSION> with the Bamboo version number that you’re currently running. For example: atlassian/bamboo-agent-base:9.3.0

Reducing server resource usage on ephemeral agent startup

When an ephemeral agent starts up, it fetches the files it needs to perform a build or deployment from the Bamboo server. Fetching these files on every ephemeral agent startup may put your Bamboo server under additional load and increase the ephemeral agent's overall startup time.

You can offload some of the agent's files to a persistent volume in your Kubernetes cluster to speed up the launch of ephemeral agents and make sure that your Bamboo server's resources are put to good use.

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Last modified on Nov 28, 2023

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