Bamboo OAuth 2.0 provider API
Bamboo Data Center and Server provides APIs to allow external services to access resources on a user’s behalf with the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
If you already have an integration that you’d like to add to Bamboo, see Configuring an incoming link for detailed steps. If not, this page will help you understand the details of our OAuth 2.0 implementation so you can create such an integration.
Supported OAuth 2.0 flows
We support the following OAuth 2.0 flows:
Authorization code with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
Authorization code
We don’t support Implicit Grant and Resource Owner Password Credentials flows, as they will be deprecated in the next version of the OAuth specification.
For more information on how these flows work, see OAuth RFC. This should help you understand the flows and choose the right one for you.
Security recommendations
Here are some recommendations on how to improve security:
Preventing CSRF attacks
To protect redirect-based flows, the OAuth specification recommends the use of “One-time use CSRF tokens carried in the state parameter, which are securely bound to the user agent” using the state
query parameter, with each request to the /rest/oauth2/latest/authorize
endpoint. This can prevent CSRF attacks.
Using HTTPS in production
For production environments, use HTTPS for the redirect_uri
parameter. This is important as OAuth 2.0 bases its security on the transport layer. For more info, see the OAuth 2.0 RFC and the OAuth 2.0 Threat Model RFC.
For the same reason, we also enforce HTTPS for the base URL of production environments. You can use insecure URIs and base URLs for staging or development environments by enabling the relevant system properties.
Authorization code with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
This flow lets you securely perform the OAuth exchange of client credentials for access tokens on public clients. The following steps and parameters describe our implementation of this flow.
Here are parameters you’ll use in this flow:
Parameter | Description | Required |
redirect_uri | URL that the user will be redirected to after authorizing the request. | Yes |
client_id | Client ID received from Bamboo after registering your application. | Yes |
response_time | Authorization code. | Yes |
scope | Scopes that define application’s permissions to the user account. For more info, see Scopes. | Yes |
code_challenge | For sha256 , generate this using the following pseudocode: BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier))) For | Yes |
code_challenge_method | Can be plain or sha256 depending on how the code_challenge was generated. | Yes |
code_verifier | High-entropy cryptographic random string using the unreserved characters: [A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" . Must be between 43-127 characters. For more info, see section 4.1 of RFC7636. | Yes |
state | An optional parameter, which value can't be predicted. It'll be used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. It should also be used as a CSRF token. It can be generated in a similar manner to code_verifier . | No |
Before you begin
- Register your application in Bamboo by creating an incoming. During registration, you can enable proper scopes to limit the range of resources that the application can access. After creating the link, you should receive the OAuth Client ID and Client secret — make sure to keep these secure. For more info, see Configuring an incoming link.
- Before starting the flow, generate
, andcode_challenge_method
Request authorization code by redirecting the user to the
page with the following query parameters:curl
This is the consent screen that asks the user to approve the application’s request to access their account with the scopes specified in
. The user is then redirected to the URL specified inredirect_uri
. The redirect includes the authorization code. For example:
With the authorization
returned from the previous request, you can request anaccess_token
, with any HTTP client. The following example uses curl:curl -X POST
Example response:
{ "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6IjNmMTQ3NTUzYjg3OTQ2Y2FhMWJhYWJkZWQ0MzgwYTM4In0.EDnpBl0hd1BQzIRP--xEvyW1F6gDuiFranQCvi98b2c", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 7200, "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6ImMwZTMxYmZjYTI2NWI0YTkwMzBiOGM2OTJjNWIyMTYwIn0.grHOsso3B3kaSxNd0QJfj1H3ayjRUuA75SiEt0usmiM", "created_at": 1607635748 }
To retrieve a new
, use therefresh_token
parameter.Refresh tokens may be used even after the
itself expires.curl -X POST
This request:
invalidates the existing
sends new tokens in the response
Example response:
{ "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6ImJmZjg4MzU5YTVkNGUyZmQ3ZmYwOTEwOGIxNjg4MDA0In0.BocpI91mpUzWskyjxHp57hnyl8ZcHehGJwmaBsGJEMg", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 7200, "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6Ijg1NjQ1YjA1NGJiYmZkNjVmMDNkMzliYzM0YzQ4MzZjIn0.4MSMIG46zjB9QCV-qCCglgojM5dL7_E2kcqmiV46YQ4", "created_at": 1628711391 }
You can now make requests to the API with the returned access token. For more info, see Accessing the Bamboo API with the access token.
Authorization code
This flow lets you securely perform the OAuth exchange of client credentials for access tokens on public clients.
Here are the parameters you’ll use in this flow:
Parameter | Description | Required |
redirect_uri | URL that the user will be redirected to after authorizing the request. | Yes |
client_id | Client ID received from Bamboo after registering your application. | Yes |
response_type | Authorization code. | Yes |
scope | Scopes that define application’s permissions to the user account. For more info, see Scopes. | Yes |
state | An optional parameter, which value can't be predicted. It'll be used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. It should also be used as a CSRF token. | No |
Before you begin
Register your application in Bamboo by creating an incoming. During registration, you can enable proper scopes to limit the range of resources that the application can access. After creating the link, you should receive the OAuth Client ID and Client secret — make sure to keep these secure. For more info, see Configuring an incoming link.
If you want to use the optional
parameter, generate it before starting the flow.
Request the authorization code by redirecting the user to the
page with the following query parameters:curl
This is the consent screen that asks the user to approve the application’s request to access their account with the scopes specified in scope. The user is then redirected to the URL specified in redirect_uri. The redirect includes the authorization code, like in the following example:
With the authorization code (response_type) returned from the previous request, you can request an access_token, with any HTTP client. The following example uses Ruby’s rest-client:
curl -X POST
Example response:
{ "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6IjNmMTQ3NTUzYjg3OTQ2Y2FhMWJhYWJkZWQ0MzgwYTM4In0.EDnpBl0hd1BQzIRP--xEvyW1F6gDuiFranQCvi98b2c", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 7200, "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6ImMwZTMxYmZjYTI2NWI0YTkwMzBiOGM2OTJjNWIyMTYwIn0.grHOsso3B3kaSxNd0QJfj1H3ayjRUuA75SiEt0usmiM", "created_at": 1607635748 }
To retrieve a new
, use therefresh_token
parameter.Refresh tokens may be used even after the
itself expires.curl -X POST
This request:
Invalidates the existing
.Sends new tokens in the response.
Example response:
{ "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6ImJmZjg4MzU5YTVkNGUyZmQ3ZmYwOTEwOGIxNjg4MDA0In0.BocpI91mpUzWskyjxHp57hnyl8ZcHehGJwmaBsGJEMg", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 7200, "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6Ijg1NjQ1YjA1NGJiYmZkNjVmMDNkMzliYzM0YzQ4MzZjIn0.4MSMIG46zjB9QCV-qCCglgojM5dL7_E2kcqmiV46YQ4", "created_at": 1628711391 }
You can now make requests to the API with the returned access token. For more info, see Accessing the Bamboo API with the access token.
Accessing the Bamboo API with the access token
To access the Bamboo API with the previously returned access token, put the token in the Authorization header. For example:
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH2-TOKEN" "{projectKey}-{buildKey}"
The scope parameter is required in both flows. It allows you to specify the permission scopes your application can request from the authorizing user. Note that regardless of which scopes you choose, the actual permissions will always be capped at what the user can actually do.
Here you can find the scope keys you can use in your requests, as values of the scope parameter:
Scope | Description |
READ | The access token will only have permissions to read the same data that the associated user normally has access to in Bamboo. |
TRIGGER | The access token will have permissions to start the same builds and deploy the same environments that the associated user normally can. |
USER | The access token will have the same set permissions as the associated users (including Administrator permissions, if the associated user has them). |