This page describes how to configure Bamboo to use a Bitbucket Cloud repository.

If you set up two-factor authentication (2FA) in Bitbucket Cloud, you must configure an app password for Bamboo.

You can specify repositories at the following levels in Bamboo:

  • global – repositories are available to all plans in Bamboo.
  • plan – repositories are available to all jobs in the Bamboo plan.
  • job – repositories are available to all tasks in the Bamboo job.

The recommended approach is to set up linked source repositories at the global level – see Linking to source code repositories.

On this page:


Note that you will not be able to create plans or jobs that use a Bitbucket repository without first specifying the shared local Mercurial or Git capability. Read more about configuring a Version Control capability.

Related pages:

Configure a Bitbucket source repository

  1. Navigate to the repository configuration for a linked repository, plan or job. See Linking to source code repositories.
  2. Either click Add Repository to add a new repository, or edit an existing repository configuration.
  3. Choose Bitbucket Cloud from the Source Repository list.
  4. Enter a Name to help identify the repository in Bamboo.
  5. Specify the repository access level and corresponding authentication details for loading the list of repositories:


    5.1Provide the name of the Bitbucket Cloud user who owns the repository in the Owner  field.To load the list of repositories available in Bitbucket Cloud you can provide a username and a password or use shared credentials.

    You can configure the following settings of a public or private source repository for your plan:

    • Repository - retrieves all repositories you have explicit permissions to access from Bitbucket Cloud when you click Load Repositories

    • Branch - pick a branch if you want to check out code from a branch other than the default branch
    5.3 For private repositories, you can specify the authentication method that Bamboo will use to connect to the repository you selected. You can choose from:
    • Username and password - reuse the credentials provided in step 5.1
    • SSH private key - provide an SSH key to authenticate; use shared credentials or upload an SSH key and type a passphrase

Advanced Options

Command timeout This is useful to stop hung Bitbucket processes. On slower networks, you may consider increasing the default timeout to allow Bamboo time to make an initial clone of the Mercurial repository.
Verbose logs

For Mercurial: Turns on --verbose and --debug options in Hg or Git commands and passes the output to build logs. Use this option if you encounter problems with Git or Mercurial in Bamboo.

Enable Quiet PeriodSpecifies a delay after a single commit is detected before the build is started. This allows multiple commits to be aggregated into a single build.
Include/Exclude Files

Allows you to specify the files that Bamboo should, or should not, use to detect changes.

Enter into File Pattern a regular expression to match the files that Bamboo  includes or excludes. The regex pattern must match the file path in the repository. See sub page for examples.

Exclude Changesets

Enter a regular expression to match the commit messages for changesets that should not start a build.
Web Repository

If your repository can be viewed in a web browser, select the repository type.

This allows links to relevant files to be displayed in the 'Code Changes' section of a build result.

Note: This option is not available for Git repositories. See BAM-13376 - Getting issue details... STATUS for more information.

Mercurial Web Repository – select one of the following viewer schemes:

    • Bitbucket Web Repository Scheme (if you use Bitbucket)
    • Default Web Repository Scheme (hgserve) (Mercurial's own default web server)


Stash – specify the following details for the repository:

    • Stash URL – the URL of your Stash (now Bitbucket Server) instance (e.g. '').
    • Stash Project Key – the key of the project in Stash (e.g. 'CONF').
    • Repository Name – the name of the repository in Stash (e.g. 'conf-dev').

      Use this option to connect to a Bitbucket Server repository.

See Integrating Bamboo with Bitbucket Server for more information.



FishEye – specify the following details for the repository:

    • FishEye URL — the URL of your FishEye repository (e.g. ' ').
    • Repository Name — the name of your FishEye repository (e.g. 'Bamboo'). This is effectively the alias for your repository path.
    • Repository Path — the path for your FishEye repository (e.g. '/atlassian/bamboo/').

See Integrating Bamboo with FishEye for more information.

How do I determine my Repository Path?

If you have previously run builds with changes from your repository, the easiest way of determining your repository path is to view the code changes and copy the path from the start of the path of one of the changed files, up to (but not including) the appropriate root directory. The root directories for repositories are the ones shown by FishEye when browsing a repository (e.g. trunk). For example, if a code change listed /atlassian/bamboo/trunk/bamboo-acceptance-test/pom.xml, the path would be /atlassian/bamboo/.
If you have not previously run builds with changes from your repository, you will need to ask your FishEye administrator for the repository path indexed by FishEye.

Bamboo statuses in Bitbucket Cloud

You can view the status of Bamboo builds in Bitbucket Cloud.

The feature is set up automatically if you set up a plan in the following way:

  • the repository type is Bitbucket Cloud or Bitbucket Server
  • you provided Bitbucket credentials (username and password)

The automatic setup of Bamboo build statuses in Bitbucket works with private and public repositories as long as you provide valid Bitbucket credentials.


The build statuses in Bitbucket are displayed in the commit, branch, and pull request views.

For more information about Bamboo statuses in Bitbucket Cloud, see: