Deployment projects are an important feature of the continuous deployment philosophy. Identifying and understanding the key configuration steps for a deployment project will help you to gain a better insight into how a deployment project functions.


Deployment project prerequisites

There are a number of prerequisites that must be in place before you can start using deployment projects. The prerequisites are:

  1. A build plan
  2. Artifacts to deploy (these are produced by the build plan and shared)

Step 1: Create a new deployment project

Creating the deployment project is the first step. Here we will give the project a name and a description, but most importantly we associate the deployment project with an existing Bamboo build plan. This is why we must have a build plan available to associate with our new deployment project.

Learn more about creating a deployment project here.

Step 2: Decide on a release naming scheme

The next step is to configure the release naming scheme for the deployment project. The release naming scheme will define how Bamboo names the releases that you create from your build artifacts for deployment. You can use either a simple release naming scheme, or a scheme that uses global or plan variables already defined in Bamboo.

Learn more about release naming schemes here.

Step 3: Decide who can view and edit the project

You need to decide who can view and edit the deployment project: This is done using the permission scheme. You can add or remove individuals or groups from the scheme, and give them access to either view and/or edit the project.

Learn more about the permissions scheme here.

Step 4: Create a deployment environment

The next step is to create a deployment environment. A deployment environment represents the servers or groups of servers where the software has been deployed, and any tasks needed for the deployment to go smoothly. You can call the deployment environment anything you like, though typical names are QA, Staging and Production.

Learn more about creating a deployment environment here.

Step 5: Customize your deployment environment

Once you have created your deployment environment, you need to set it up to reflect the needs of your project. You can control most aspects of the deployment environment, including:

  • Tasks - Run executable tasks during the deployment process, for example downloading a needed artifact from a different plan
  • Triggers - Decide which events or schedule points will trigger off deployment of your project to an environment 
  • Permissions - Decide who can view and edit your deployment environment
  • Agents - Control which agents you will use to support your deployment process
  • Notifications - Create a notification scheme to keep you informed about your deployment progress
  • Variables - Assign variables for your deployment projects

Step 6: Start deploying!

Once you have set up your deployment project, you're ready to start the deployment process.


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