This page contains instructions to help you install Bamboo on Linux.

Note that Bamboo ships with a built-in HSQL database, which is fine for evaluation purposes but is somewhat susceptible to data loss during system crashes. For production environments we recommend that you configure Bamboo to use an external database.


1. Check supported platforms

Better check the Supported platforms page first; it lists the application servers, databases, operating systems, web browsers and JDKs that we have tested Bamboo with and recommend.

 Note that Atlassian currently only supports Bamboo on x86 and 64 bit x86 derived hardware platforms.

2. Check your version of Java

In a terminal, run this command:

java -version

The version of Java should be 1.8.x. Note that Bamboo requires the Java JDK to work, not the Java JRE.

Install Java

Download and install the Java Platform JDK (not the JRE) from Oracle's website.

Now try running 'java -version' again to check the installation. The version of Java should be 1.8.x.

Check that the system can find Java

In a terminal, run this:

You should see a path like /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home/.

Set your JAVA_HOME if you don't see a path


Do either of the following:

  • If JAVA_HOME is not set, log in with 'root' level permissions and run:
echo JAVA_HOME="path/to/JAVA_HOME" >> /etc/environment

where path/to/JAVA_HOME may be like: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK/Home/

  • If JAVA_HOME needs to be changed, open the  /etc/environment file in a text editor and modify the value for JAVA_HOME to:


    It should look like:


3. Check permissions

Check your system permissions. You will need to have permissions for both the Bamboo installation and home directories.

4. Download Bamboo 

Download Bamboo from the Atlassian download site.

Extract the downloaded file to an install location. The path to the extracted directory is referred to as the <Bamboo installation directory> in these instructions.

5. Specify your Bamboo home location

The Bamboo home directory is where your Bamboo data is stored.

You need to specify your Bamboo home directory before you run Bamboo for the first time.

Create your Bamboo home directory (without spaces in the name), and then edit <Bamboo installation directory>/atlassian-bamboo/WEB-INF/classes/ file – uncomment the bamboo.home line and add the absolute path to your home directory. Here's an example of what that could look like when you're done:


You should not locate your Bamboo home directory inside the <Bamboo installation directory> — they should be entirely separate locations. If you do put the home directory in the <Bamboo installation directory> it will be overwritten, and lost, when Bamboo gets upgraded.

6. Start Bamboo!

In a terminal, change directory to <Bamboo installation directory> and run this command:


Access your running Bamboo instance by going to your web browser and entering the address: http://localhost:8085/.

7. Configure Bamboo

Configure Bamboo using the Setup Wizard that is displayed. Read Running the Setup Wizard for further instructions.

8. Running Bamboo as a service

If you want to run Bamboo as a service, then please consult Running Bamboo as a service.

Known issues and troubleshooting

If something is not working correctly after you have completed the steps above to install Bamboo, please check for known Bamboo issues and try troubleshooting your upgrade as described below:

  • Check for known issues. Sometimes we find out about a problem with the latest version of Bamboo after we have released the software. In such cases we publish information about the known issues in the Bamboo Knowledge Base. Please check the known issues in the Bamboo Knowledge Base and follow the instructions to apply any necessary patches if necessary.
  • Did you encounter a problem during the Bamboo installation? Please refer to the guide to troubleshooting upgrades in the Bamboo Knowledge Base.
  • If you encounter a problem during the upgrade and cannot solve it, please create a support ticket and one of our support engineers will help you.
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