Name |
AdhocBuilder - Deployment tool |
Version |
1.0-beta |
Product Versions |
2.x |
Author(s) |
Viet Nguyen, Mohamed Ali Sfaxi |
Homepage |
Price |
Free |
License |
JavaDocs |
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Adhoc Builder - Deployment plugin gives Bamboo users the ability to pass parameters to the build in an interactive manner. Adhoc builder, an extension of the standard Script builder, lets user define multiple lists of pre-defined values such as Ant targets, build options for the builder. User then can pick and chose those values and initiate a build from the Deployment page accessible from the plan view. This plugin is very useful for on-demand build and deployment tasks
- Download the jar to <BAMBOO_HOME>/webapp/WEB-INF/lib directory and restart bamboo server.
- Add the new builder to your agent. Go to agent set up page (Administration -> Agents -> 'agent x' -> Add Capability). Set Capability Type = Builder, Type = Adhoc, Label = Adhoc Script Builder, Path=/bin/bash (path is required even if your agent is running on Windows).
Configure your plan to use Adhoc Script Builder. You have the option to configure up to 5 positional parameters to be passed to your build script. With the exception of Fixed type you are defining choices that will be available on the Deployment page. Argument connector is a character that goes between an option and a selected value.
With the input parameter :
Supporting argument types
Type |
Usage |
Option |
Source |
Fixed type. Value is passed as is to the build script. |
Fixed value |
<leave blank> |
List of comma-separated values |
Option name |
csv |
Artifact browser. Create a list of available build numbers for a given build plan. Only builds with artifacts are included. |
Option name |
projectkey-plankey |
Input parameter. Value is inserted by the user when building |
Option name |
<leave blank> |
Note: If the build is triggered for any reason other than you initiating from the Deployment page Adhoc builder will pass an empty argument to your script.
See screen shot. The the build will run with the following argument when user clicks submit.
./ deploy-build -Denv=dev-server1 -Dbuild.number=16
Mathieu Filotto
I tried your plugin and found it very usefull. I have a suggestion for you :
For the CSV type, could you set the drop down list to the default value (the first item of the csv list).
This way we could be sure that each parameter would always be set even if the user do not select anything before launching the build ?
What do you think about that enhancement ?
Remy Becher
Any chance the plugin will be made compatible with Bamboo 2.3 in the (very) near future? It's a great plugin!
Mathieu Filotto
Also very interested to see this plugin compatible for next versions of Bamboo.
Very nice plugin !