Name |
Bamboo Change Analysis Plugin |
Version |
1.1.1 |
Product Versions |
2.0 |
Author(s) |
Homepage | |
Price |
Free |
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JavaDocs |
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Download JAR |
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Subversion or with Fisheye |
The change analysis plugin analyses each build and creates a report of all the findings. These findings include PMD, Cobertura and JMeter reports. Various quality control levels can be set in order for the build to be considered as successfull.
For PMD all findings of the committed files are listed in the Change Analysis tab. A Severity threshold can be set - if any finding exceeds it the build is marked as failed. Report can be set to always include all classes in the build. Also a separate tab for all PMD findings is provided.
For Cobertura line or branch rate limits (per file) can be set. Also a separate tab for all Cobertura findings is provided.
For JMeter a pass rate can set. Also the build can be marked as failed if any test fail that succeeded previously. Also a separate tab for all JMeter findings is provided.
- Download the CODEGEIST:jar file.
- Copy it into the 'webapp/WEB-INF/lib' directory of your Bamboo server.
- Restart Bamboo.
- Enable the plugin from the build plan configuration and set the approriate configurations
Version History
Version |
Date |
Description |
1.1.1 |
21 Sep 2008 |
Minor fixes |
1.1 |
2 Sep 2008 |
Tab separation for reports |
1.0 |
6 May 2008 |
First release |
Jira Issues
Screenshots |
![]() |
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Changes Tab
Plugin Configuration
The PMD treshold is not working. I set the PMD treshold on errorlevel 3, but after a build wich generates only level 4 errors the build fails. Hop this can be fixed
Tatu Lahtela
I created an issue, for this but I can't reproduce the problem without more details. Please comment your environment there. (Is the pmd tab otherwise intact etc..)
Tatu Lahtela
Or wait.. Of course the threshold is "up" that is if you set the threshold at 3 an error with severity 4 will fail the build as it is higher. If you want to ignore level 4 errors, the threshold must be 5.
With PMD it is the other way around. An error with level 1 is more severe than an error level 4.
I gues it is somewhat confusing because we use the word "error level" as of PMD uses the word "priority". It makes a lot more sense that priority 1 issues are more important (error prone) than priority 2 issues.
Tatu Lahtela
Fascinating. That's what you get when you don't find a clear documented statement and randomly pick a few rules and try to figure out which one is more severe.. I've always had my own custom configured sets with the other way round, they're just numbers right
But you are right, I'll fix this asap.
So that's no defcon scale
. Thnx for making a fix, any idea when this might be available?
Tatu Lahtela
I made a 1.1.1 release where this is now fixed.
Chris Hilton
Should the product versions be 2.x or something more specific? Or is this really just for Bamboo 2.0?
Tatu Lahtela
Since I'm not part of Atlassian, I can't really say what changes are meade to each future 2.x version so I can't make any guarantees. 2.0 was the version number during development and I tested against it.
The latest version has some changes that produces a non-fatal error message (the changes tab I shamelessly copied has changed), but otherwise it still works ok.
Chris Hilton
Understandable. I thought you might be using it with newer versions as they come out and it sounds like it's working okay, so I'll give it a whirl. Thanks.
Bartosz Burchard
When i check "Run change analysis per build" checkbox i have an error in the build log
(Bamboo 2.3.1)