

  1. Copy the bamboo-clean-test-plugin-1.0.jar file into your <BAMBOO_HOME>/webapp/WEB-INF/lib directory and restart Bamboo
  2. Configure the directory that you want to use on the 'Source Repository' tab, You have 2 choice :
    1. Add an absolute directory (Be careful, the validation isn't activated due to remote Agent !)
    2. Add a plan key
  3. Save

Version Compatibility

Compatibility of Dummy Repository Plugin versions (side) versus Bamboo versions (top).


before 2.0





Unknown macro: {roundrect}

= compatible
= not compatible
= compatibility unknown

Version History





September 25th 2008

initial version

  • No labels


  1. Salut Lilians,

    Honestely, I think that your plugin will be usefull.

    I do not have yet made test, but ...

    • Is there a security mechanism in order to avoid that 2 Build plans (one based on a SVN Repo. and the second one base don Dummy Repo.) run in the same time on the same Working Directory.
      • By avoiding start of one when the other is running,
      • By identifying the initial Build Plan (SVN Based) and forcing the be ran in the same Build Queue.

    Best Rgds

    1. Hi Vincent,

      No, There aren't a security mechanism.
      I use a plan with Dummy Repo only with dependant build trigger strategy. The parent plan is the plan which use the SVN repo.

      But, You can configure both plan with a custom capability, and launch it in only one Agent.


  2. Could anyone add a little more detail of how this works and why you might use it?  I think it might solve some problems for us - but I'm not sure I quite get the concept. 

    1. Sorry for this late reply,

      This issue has a better description which explains the concept :

  3. (thumbs up) Thanks this looks like exactly what I was looking for! 

  4. Does this plugin work in Bamboo 2.3.x?

    1. I don't know if it's work with 2.3.x, I don't test it.