
Build Monitor is a java 6 desktop application that runs in the System tray and monitors continuous build / integration systems connecting to servers such as Bamboo or Cruise Control.


See the online user manual at:


See the online user manual at:

Version History

  • 1.0-PREVIEW: October 12th 2007 






  • No labels


  1. is this available on bamboo 2.0?

  2. I confirm that build monitor works fine with Bamboo 2 (i use it with bamboo 2 everyday).

  3. Is it possible to limit the monitor to track only selected builds/projects? In my organization, we use single Bamboo server for multiple projects, and I would like to monitor projects of my department only.

  4. I second the need to limit the monitor to track only selected builds/projects.  Even better would be to allow multiple instances of it so I could have a different icon for one project vs the other. (CCTray allows for this)

  5. The 1.0 preview doesn't support a URL beginning with https: (at least not yet).  This makes it impossible to use for those of us who are using SSL

    Oh and the "" file stores my password in plain text. The password should at least be salted before storing it.