
The Bamboo JMeter Aggregator Plugin aggregates and stores JMeter load test results, and then allows reporting on the aggregated data across builds. It also allows configurable assertions that can, for example, fail the build if the mean time of any samplers deviates by more than 10%.


Aggregates JMeter build results

The sample results from each JMeter sampler and stored and aggregated against the sampler, as well as in total. The current metrics that are aggregated are:

  • Minimum sample time
  • Maximum sample time
  • Mean sample time
  • Median sample time
  • 90% line sample time
  • Total sample time
  • Number of samples
  • Number of successful samples
  • Percentage successful samples
  • Throughput (number of samples per minute)
  • Total time of test run

Generates reports on aggregated data across builds

Reports can be generated that graph any combination of samplers and metrics on a graph, showing how they have changed across builds.

Runs configurable assertions on aggregated data

Any number of assertions may be configured, against individual samplers, or against all of the samplers, that get run a range of conditions over metrics.

If the assertions fail, the build fails, allowing fast detection and feedback of performance issues.

The conditions that can be configured are:

  • Metric exceeds are given value
  • Metric goes below a given value
  • Metric equals a given value
  • Metric does not equal a given value
  • Metric deviates by a given value since the last build
  • Metric deviates by a given percent since the last build
  • Metric deviates up by a given value since the last build
  • Metric deviates up by a given percent since the last build
  • Metric deviates down by a given value since the last build
  • Metric deviates down by a given percent since the last build

Aggregates data from arbitary CSV files

In order to support aggregating, reporting on and running assertions on other sources of performance test data, the JMeter Aggregator Plugin will aggregate data from CSV files, which represent point in time samples, each column being a sampler. This is useful if you want to get record information such as CPU usage, memory usage, IO, network usage etc, and have a script, that runs in parallel to your load tests, that will periodically write these values to a CSV file.

Version Compatibility

Compatibility of JMeter Aggregator Plugin versions (side) versus Bamboo versions (top).


  2.0 - 2.0.2  

  2.0.3 - 2.0.6  


















Version History


Initial release for dog fooding on Atlassian Bamboo servers.


0.1 was not compatible with Java 1.5.


  • Better input validation on report page
  • Better error reporting when parsing of log files fails
  • Standard deviation metric aggregation


  • Fixed Bamboo 2.3 compatibility issue
  • Added functional tests

JIRA Issues

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