Starting and stopping Bitbucket Server
This page describes the various ways you can start or stop Bitbucket Server, depending on which method suits your needs.
Start Bitbucket during installation
The Bitbucket Server installer can automatically start Bitbucket Server. If you're not using the installer, use the instructions below that are appropriate for your needs to start Bitbucket.
Start/stop Bitbucket Server
To start/stop Bitbucket Server
For Linux
Change to your <Bitbucket Server installation directory>
, then use the command that meets your needs:
For Windows
For automated starting and stopping of Bitbucket Server on Windows, it should be installed as a service.
You can use start-bitbucket.bat
for short term debugging, using Ctrl+C will safely shutdown the instance when it is no longer needed.
For macOS
Use the app icons in the <Bitbucket Server installation directory>
. These link to the
scripts in <Bitbucket Server installation directory>/bin
Start Bitbucket Data Center
For Bitbucket Data Center, the remote Elasticsearch instance must be started separately. It is a requirement of the Bitbucket Data Center setup that you have only one remote Elasticsearch instance for your entire cluster, as described on Installing Bitbucket Data Center. To start (or restart) a remote Elasticsearch instance, see Elasticsearch documentation for specific instructions.
To start Bitbucket Data Center (does not start Bitbucket's bundled Elasticsearch instance)
- Change to your
<Bitbucket Server installation directory>
Run this command: --no-search
Start/stop Bitbucket Server when running as a service
On Windows and Linux systems you can choose to have Bitbucket Server installed as a service, and it will be started automatically when the system boots.
To start/stop Bitbucket Server manually when running as service:
For Linux
Manage the Bitbucket Server service with these commands:
# service atlbitbucket status
# service atlbitbucket stop
# service atlbitbucket start
For Windows
Start and stop the Bitbucket Server service from the services console, on Windows. Ensure you start both the AtlassianBitbucket
and AtlassianBitbucketElasticsearch
Start Bitbucket Server without starting bundled Elasticsearch
To start Bitbucket Server without starting the bundled Elasticsearch instance --no-search
For Windows
start-bitbucket.bat /no-search