Lightning Talks are quick, five-minute talks open to everyone at AtlasCamp. Consider it open-mic night. You can demo your latest project, give a tutorial, offer some development tips, or show off the plugin you build during camp. Anything goes, as long as it's interesting (no product pitches!)
Lightning Talk topics that get the most votes will be presented at make it awesome!
Non-Atlassians can't edit this page, so just leave a comment and I'll add your topic.
Name | Topic |
MattS | Migrating data from JIRA to JIRA -- How issues, comments, attachments and links were migrated from an old 3.12 instance to 4.4 using the CSV Importer and a custom Python script. Lessons learned, advice etc. |
JohnA | New Hotness: UPM 2.7 demo |
Josh Devenny | Stop asking us - we'll tell you! (JIRA Webhooks) |
Josh Devenny | The top 200 issues on - using the JIRA REST API |
Rich Manalang | Something cool |
Alan Parkinson (Hindsight Software) | "The Marketplace Publishing task for Bamboo". One click release of your plugin to the Atlassian Marketplace |
Wojtek Seliga | InProduct Translations - when you see something, translate something - slides published at |
Wojtek Seliga | Better functional testing for JIRA plugins - new hot TestKit - slides published at |
Wojtek Seliga | Import everything to your JIRA instance (and f*ck CSV) - JIM JSON Importer - slides published at |
Samir Shah | 'Cuz Your Issues Need Testing |
Bob Swift | GINT - Groovy Integration Test Framework |
Daniel Freeman | Plugin Opportunities |
Darryl Duke | Making Confluence One with Beer (or how to make Marketing bubbly) |
Sanjiva Nath (zAgile) | Customer Example: Dashboards and Reporting within Confluence, pulling JIRA, Zendesk, and Salesforce content. Includes interoperability, faceted search, and traceability. |
Brendan Patterson | Using Git in Oddball Ways |
Niels Jaeckel | CUTE - the new way of theming Confluence and JIRA (new plugin presentation) |
Niels Jaeckel | Universal Navigation Plugin (new free plugin, currently under development, presenting work in progress) |
I don't seem to be able to edit this page, but here's one from me.
Matt Doar (CustomWare), "Migrating data from JIRA to JIRA". How issues, comments, attachments and links were migrated from an old 3.12 instance to 4.4 using the CSV Importer and a custom Python script. Lessons learned, advice etc.
Rich Manalang
Odd... there are no restrictions on this page.
Odd, still no edit perm
Alan Parkinson
I can't seem to edit the page either.
Alan Parkinson (Hindsight Software) "The Marketplace Publishing task for Bamboo". One click release of your plugin to the Atlassian Marketplace
Bob Swift
I would guess many of us do not have add/update permission to this space.
Please add topic: GINT - Groovy Integration Test Framework
Darryl Duke
Pretty please add:
Making Confluence One with Beer (or how to make Marketing bubbly)
Andrew Lampitt
Please add:
Sanjiva Nath (zAgile): Customer Example: Dashboards and Reporting within Confluence, pulling JIRA, Zendesk, and Salesforce content. Includes interoperability, faceted search, and traceability.
Hi Jonathan, I have two things, please add priorized:
Brendan Patterson
Please add:
Using Git in Oddball Ways
Brendan Patterson
I posted my Lightning Talk here
(plus a bunch of other tight Git presentations I've created on branching, merging, collaborating, workflows, etc.)
- Thanks!
It says "coming soon"?
Brendan Patterson
Thanks Matt. That page is fixed now! Here it is also.
The slides from my "Migrating from JIRA to JIRA" are shared at
Wojtek Seliga
I've published my JIM JSON importer slides at
Update: also published slides from my two other lightning talks - see table above.