Do you like mind maps? Do you like Confluence?

I do.

In fact I like them a lot.

So just for an AtlasCamp lightning talk I've been working on a new plugin which I will demo.



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  1. Sounds cool, can't wait to see this!

  2. I can't wait either.

    Nabeelah Ali was telling me about your lightning talk - I use Freemind to manage my to-do list as well as my useful links and tidbits of info.

  3. Any updates on this?

  4. Love to hear it, we use Mind Maps for everything from Back office business rule documentation to explaining how changes in complex excel spreadsheets can feed into related systems

    1. Hi!

      I am looking to circle back to this in the near term and package up the rest of what I have. I've been in full tilt plugin dev again the last few days which is very fun and I'm looking to sustain that with efforts into updating my plugins and a couple of new ones. This one never quite got off the ground but is not far.

      thanks, Brendan

      1. Really cool, Brendan. I'd been thinking of something similar. For example, page headers -> mind map, mind map diagram with links to headers in a page or individual pages. This would be an incredible benefit.

        To date, I've been using FreeMind to produce my MM's. Then I export an image and put it in the pages. Being able to freely move back and forth would be a major improvement.

        With Confluence, Gliffy, and Freemind, I've been able to displace my use of word processors. It's take what was a static, stale snapshot of the team's thinking and made it a dynamic, fluid process. Great stuff!

        Let me know if you need a beta tester. (smile)

        Thanks! Mark


        1. Hi Mark,

          Thanks for the feedback.  The basic space to mind-map creation has been working since I wrote this page originally.  I will attach the jar to this page.  I should have shared it a while ago, but kept thinking I'd have time to implement the additional features, but we all know how that goes.

          I will attach the jar to this page, create an ultra quick video, push the source to BitBucket and hopefully still have time to circle back (keep the faith).





  5. I can't attache a file to this page so here is a link to the current plugin-jar

    Also I just pushed the source to bitbucket here:



    1. Nice work Brendan. This is actually slightly different to what I thought it would do.

      I was thinking it would be really cool if you could edit / view mind maps inside Confluence without having to download, edit and upload that we do now. Any plans for this, Brendan? (smile) 

  6. Hi,

    We've implemented an add-on that allows mind map creation within Confluence but it also lets users to automatically generate spaces out of its structure/hierarchy. You can watch how it works here

    or try it

