Failed to update when attempting to provision a user
Platform Notice: Cloud - This article applies to Atlassian products on the cloud platform.
The error "Failed to update User 'username@domain' in AtlassianCloud" appears when attempting to provision a user account on-demand from the Atlassian Cloud Enterprise Application in Azure.
Replicating the issue
Following the steps below (provision on demand):
- Login to your Azure Portal.
- Click on Enterprise applications.
- Click on your Atlassian Cloud application.
- Click on Provisioning under the Manage section.
- Click on Provision on demand.
- Search for the user and select it.
- Click on Provision.
Results in the error:
Error Code | SystemForCrossDomainIdentityManagementServiceIncompatibleFiltering |
Error Message | StatusCode: Conflict Message: Processing of the HTTP request resulted in an exception. Please see the HTTP response returned by the 'Response' property of this exception for details. |
Web Response | {"schemas":\["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error"],"status":"409","scimType":"uniqueness","detail":"Resource \[USER]: with email\[email@domain] already exists."} |
There are different possibilities that could cause this issue:
- Atlassian Cloud backend has a SCIM record with the same email
- Atlassian Cloud backend has a SCIM record with the same UserPrincipalName
- Atlassian Cloud backend has a SCIM record with the same ObjectID
Contact Atlassian Support to fix
Reach out to Atlassian Support by opening a new ticket, and providing the following information in the description:
- ObjectID of the Azure account you are trying to provision.
- Let us know if the email of the Active Directory account was modified
- Provide us with the old and new email.
- Let us know if the UserPrincipalName of the Active Directory account was modified.
- Provide us with the old and new UserPrincipalName.
The support team will assist you with removing any conflicting stale records from your directory in the backend.
Afterwards, you can proceed to provision on demand the user again, unless automated provisioning already completed and then this is no longer needed.