1. Clover for IDEA in 10 minutes
Getting Started
This getting started guide will take you through the steps required to generate Clover coverage for your project.
- Ensure that the clover plugin jar has been added to your project library path.
- Enable Clover, by selecting the 'Enable Clover' check box in the "File | Settings | Project | Clover" interface.
- Turn on clover instrumentation by selecting the toolbar item.
- Rebuild your project using any of the build mechanisms provided by IDEA.
- Run your project by running the unit tests or some other means.
- Refresh the latest coverage data by clicking the toolbar item.
- Highlight coverage in the source code editor by selecting the toolbar item.
Available highlighting options:
highlight covered code (in green) and code with no coverage (in red),
only highlight code with no coverage,
turn code coverage highlighting off.
this enables little gray and green clovers in package explorer. These indicate the toggled state of the exclusion annotation. - When option is selected only coverage from passed unit tests contributes to the coverage percentage.
- View the TreeMap report for the current project using the button.
- View the Cloud report for current project using button.
Congratulations! You now know basics of Clover for IDEA plugin - enough to start your daily work with it. If you want to learn more, read the 2. Exploration of coverage in IDEA chapter.