Shared Links Blueprint

The Shared Links blueprint helps you take content from the web and share it with your team. You can use Shared Links to share and collaborate on web content, or to create a centralized repository of useful links.

The first time you use the Shared Links blueprint in a space, Confluence will create an index page and add a shortcut on your space sidebar (if you're using the default theme). The index lists all the shared links in that space.

tip/resting Created with Sketch.

If you want to quickly create a blank page, hit the Create button in the header; if you want to create a page from a template, hit the Create from template button.

  1. Create blank page
  2. Create from template

To create a shared links page:

  1. Choose Create from template  in the Confluence header
  2. Select Share a link and hit Next
  3. Enter the URL of the web content you want to share, then hit Create

You can also:

  • Include topics to help categorize your links – these are added as labels to your page.
  • Share the link immediately with another user or group – users will receive a notification. 
  • Add a comment to start the discussion.
tip/resting Created with Sketch.

To make sharing links even faster, you can add a Share on Confluence button to your browser's toolbar. Click this button and the webpage you're currently viewing will be added as a shared link!

To add the Share on Confluence button to your browser:

  1. Choose Create from template , then select Share a link
  2. Drag the Share on Confluence button to your browser toolbar

Now, when you want to share a link in Confluence, choose the Share on Confluence button in your browser and follow the prompts.

Screenshot: Share a link from the Create dialog.

Last modified on Sep 5, 2017

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