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Mac OS X

Ctrl + Shift + i

Add a table (insert a default table with three columns and four rows)

⌘ + Shift + i

||||| + enter

Add a table with a custom number of columns, as specified by the vertical bars (you can't insert a nested table with this shortcut)

||||| + enter

||heading||heading||  + enter

Add a table with custom headings as specified by the text (you can't insert a nested table with this shortcut)

||heading||heading||  + enter

Ctrl + Shift + c

Copy the current table row, or the selected rows

⌘ + Shift + c

Ctrl + Shift + y

Paste the table rows from your clipboard, placing them above the current row

⌘ + Shift + y

Ctrl + Shift + x

Cut the current table row, or the selected rows

⌘ + Shift + x

Alt + Up ArrowAdd a row above the current rowOption + Up Arrow
Alt + Down ArrowAdd a row below the current rowOption + Down Arrow
Last modified on Dec 7, 2023

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