Confluence gadgets not loading reliably
As an admin, you can't seem to be able to link a url address to a confluence page gadget consistently. Sometimes you can link to a page in Confluence from a page gadget but sometimes it doesn't work. You're taking the same steps for each gadget, going into edit mode on the page where the gadget is placed, selecting the gadget and then using the insert link option and pasting the confluence page url and saving.
Its only working about 50% of the time.
Rule out the network environment by trying it from a public network, ensuring you aren't inadvertently tethered to your corporate network with a VPN connection.
Are all the gadgets loading reliably now?
We've published a page that outlines the IP Addresses / Ranges that are used by Atlassian Cloud. Present this page to your Network Administrator / IT Contact and request they take appropriate action.
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