27 August 2009

The Atlassian Crowd team is delighted to present Crowd 2.0.1.

Crowd now supports the 'range' attribute for retrieving group members from Microsoft Active Directory. For large groups, with more than 1000 members (in AD 2000) or 1500 members (in AD 2003+), Active Directory returns the first 999/1499 members and offers the range attribute for retrieving the next batch of members. Crowd 2.0.1 will make use of this attribute to retrieve the members of large groups.

Take a look at the full list of fixes below.

Don't have Crowd 2.0 yet?
Take a look at the new features and other highlights in the Crowd 2.0 Release Notes.

Complete List of Fixes in This Release

key summary priority status

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

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