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[Crucible Knowledge Base]
Documentation for Crucible 3.0.x. Documentation for other versions is available too.
On this page:
Starting a review simply means formally starting it and inviting people to take part.
Once you have selected the reviewers, the next stage is to notify the reviewers and the author (if different to the moderator) that they can start reviewing. The review has been in 'Draft' state until this point. Only the moderator has the permission to start a review.
To start the review:
Once the review has been started, the review state becomes 'Under Review'.
Screenshot: Starting a Review
Note that only people with the 'Approve' permission can start a review.
You can quickly add files to, or remove files from, the content of a review at any time:
You can edit all the details of a review, including the content, by clicking Edit Details near the top right of the review.
Screenshot: Launching Edit Mode
Screenshot: Crucible Edit Mode for Review Content