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Unknown macro: {spacejump}

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This page explains how to create a simple code review using the Crucible Snippet Review feature. Snippet Reviews are designed to be lightweight ad-hoc code reviews.

To create a snippet review:

  1. Copy the code to be reviewed from the source to your system clipboard.
  2. Click Create snippet from the Create review menu in the Crucible toolbar.
  3. Enter details for the snippet review:
    • Paste the code into the panel, where indicated.
    • Click on Click to add title near the top to enter a title for your review. If you don't specify a title, one will be automatically created for you.
    • Select a project from Project.
    • Select a programming language from Syntax Highlighting.
  4. Click Save to create the snippet review.
  5. Invite anyone that you want to participate in the snippet review by sending them the link to the review. The link is the review key, just above the review title. Anyone who is allowed to view the snippet is allowed to comment on it, and can close it.

  6. Click Reply on any comments to respond.
  7. Choose from the Tools menu to either close or delete the snippet review. Anyone can re-open, re-review or close snippet reviews, however, only the creator of a snippet review can delete it.

You can see your own snippets, or everyone's snippets, by choosing Reviews > Review  dashboard. See Searching Crucible for information about filtering snippet reviews.

Screenshots: Creating a Snippet Review (click to view larger images)

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