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[FishEye Knowledge Base]
To configure SMTP settings:
You can edit the following settings:
Send emails from | Server address: Fisheye and Crucible will use the From Address set below. User address: Fisheye and Crucible will use the email address in the user's profile. |
From Address | The sender address used when FishEye or Crucible sends an email, e.g. '' |
SMTP Host name | The host name of the SMTP server. |
Enable debug | Optional. Turn this on to enable debug logging from the mail server. Useful in tracking down mail server connectivity problems. |
SMTP Port | Optional. The port to connect to on the SMTP host. FishEye needs to use port 25 or port 587, because unlike JIRA its initial connection doesn't use SSL. Port 25 will be used if no port is specified. |
Use SSL/TLS | Optional, defaults to 'False'. This turns on Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security security for mail servers that require it, or use it by default. |
Username & Password | Optional. Username and password for authenticated SMTP access. |
In the version 3.1.6 two more options were added:
Connection timeout | The time in seconds to wait for a connection to the SMTP server (leave blank for infinite timeout). |
Timeout | The time in seconds to wait for a response from the SMTP server (leave blank for infinite timeout). |
Once you have configured SMTP, you can click Send test email in the 'Mail Server' section to confirm the SMTP connectivity.