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[FishEye Knowledge Base]
Support for repository management within FishEye will end on August 14th, 2013
You will continue to be able to browse, search and visualise externally hosted Git repositories through FishEye. Learn more about this change.
Repositories can be created inside the FishEye interface. These repositories are then hosted by FishEye.
1. Start by downloading and installing FishEye on your system.
The installation instructions will be displayed on the download page.
2. Check your Git version
To use Git repository management, you will need to have your Git binary path and your repository root set up in FishEye.
Make sure that you are using Git or later.
You can download the latest version of Git here if necessary:
3. Open the FishEye administration screen
Open the 'Server administration' page.
4. Edit Git settings
Edit your Git repository settings and set up your Git binary path if it is not already configured.
Running Apache?
If the server you've installed FishEye on is already serving Git via a web server such as Apache, make sure that any existing rules don't conflict with FishEye's Git serving URL: http://<FishEye base URL>/git/<repository name>
. FishEye will handle authenticating and serving your Git repositories for you.
1. Download and install the latest version of Git.
2. Set up your username and email address.
Your commits will be tracked using the username and email specified in the Git configuration. To configure these, execute the command below replacing the username and email address with your own:
git config --global "John Doe" git config --global ""
See Creating Git Repositories.
If your project is not already controlled by Git just execute the following commands:
cd existing-project git init git add . git commit -m "First commit" git remote add origin http://myserver/my/repo/url git push origin master
At this stage all your project files should have been added to your repository in FishEye
In case your project is already controlled by Git the follow steps will allow you to add FishEye as a new remote url that you can push to:
cd existing-project git remote add fisheye <repo_url> git push fisheye master
The name "fisheye" used in this example is arbitrary. You can use any name which is not already used by a remote Git repository.
Future Updates Planned for This Feature
Several customers have requested that Atlassian update this feature to allow non-admin users to create repositories.
We're happy to report that allowing users to create their own repositories is something that Atlassian is already planning on doing for a FishEye release following version 2.7. Enabling repository management for administrators is just the first step FishEye will take in this direction.