Fisheye 4.5 release notes
We're proud to present Fisheye version 4.5 that brings you better integration with Jira and fixes to a number of issues.
Better integration with Jira
When using version Fisheye 4.5 with Jira you are sure that you're up-to-day with the latest Fisheye commits in you Jira development panel.
Change log
This section will contain information about the Fisheye 4.5 minor releases as they become available. These releases will be free to all customers with active Fisheye software maintenance.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Fisheye, please refer to the FishEye upgrade guide.
The issues listed below highlights some of the bugs resolved in Fisheye 4.5.x.
13 July 2018 - Fisheye 4.5.4
21 March 2018 - Fisheye 4.5.3
29 Jan 2018 - Fisheye 4.5.2
November 2017 - Fisheye 4.5.1
September 2017 - Fisheye 4.5
This release mostly contains fixes for security issues