Documentation for GreenHopper 6.0.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

(info) Note that this page only applies if you are using the Classic Boards.



GreenHopper allows you to create parent-child relationships between versions. For example, you may wish to group your sprints as milestone versions (e.g. "Version 1 m1", "Version 1 m2", etc) under the version for the major release (e.g. "Version 1"). In GreenHopper, you can set up the major version as the "parent" version for the milestone versions. This allows you to view and track all of the issues assigned to the milestone releases under the umbrella of the major release.

All issues under the child version are considered to be a subset of the parent version. These version hierarchies are useful for managing Releases/Sprints/Teams. For example, if you set 'Version 2' to be the master of 'Version 2 milestone 1', then you will be able to view all the issues assigned to 'Version 2 milestone 1' when you view 'Version 2' on the Planning Board.

Which fix version do I see on the cards?

The version displayed in the summaries and cards is the committed version. If you are using a 'Parent' version, the committed version will be the end-child version where your issue resides. Otherwise, it is simply the version where your issue resides.

To set a version as the parent of another version,

  1. Select 'Agile' > 'Classic' in the top navigation bar. Then select 'Classic Planning Board' from the drop-down below the project name.
  2. Select your project from the project dropdown in the top navigation bar, if it is not already selected.
  3. Change the viewing mode to 'Version' mode.
  4. Locate the box for the version that you want to be the child version in the right-hand column.
  5. Edit the 'Parent' field by clicking the icon which will appear when you hover over the field.
  6. Select the version that you want to be the parent version from the dropdown. The Planning Board will refresh and display your version under its new parent version (see screenshot below). The child version will also have an icon display in its header.

Screenshot: A parent and child version in GreenHopper