Documentation for GreenHopper 6.0.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

You can view an issue on the Classic Task Board in three different ways, called 'Views':

  • 'Summaries' view — shows a summary card for each issue
  • 'Cards' view — shows a detailed card for each issue
  • 'List' view — shows each issue as a row in a table

Your project administrator can configure the information that is displayed for an issue in each of these views. See Configuring your Card Styles for more information.

(tick) Tip You can also change the viewing 'mode' of the Task Board to view issues in Compact or Kanban (Outline) mode. See Using Classic Task Board Modes for more information.

To change your Task Board view,

  1. Log into JIRA.
  2. Select 'Agile' > 'Classic' in the top navigation bar. Then select 'Classic Task Board' from the drop-down below the project name.
  3. Click the 'Views' menu and click the desired issues view from the dropdown menu. The following issue views will be available:

Inline editing is available in all views ('Summaries', 'Cards' and 'List'), saving you significant time when actioning issues. Click the icon (which will appear when you hover over the Issue Type or Priority icons) to display a drop-down menu containing the following actions:

  • Update Priority --— Click to edit the Priority field for this issue.
  • Add Sub-task — Click to add a sub-task to this issue.
  • Edit in JIRA — Click to open the JIRA 'Edit Issue' screen, on which all issue fields are available for editing.
  • Flag — Click to flag this issue for special attention.
  • Comment — Click to quickly add a comment to this issue.
  • Delete — Click to permanently remove the issue. You will be prompted with a warning message about this first. Click 'Delete' to proceed.

Detailed Cards


The detailed card is a detailed view of the issue, and presents more information than the summary view.

Screenshot: Issue — Card View



The summary card is a compact view of the issue. The purpose of this view is to display the most important fields of an issue in a card-feel form.

Screenshot: Issue — Summary View




The list view is essentially viewing the issues as rows in a table. The issue will simply be represented as a single row.

Screenshot: Issues — List View

The list view on the Task Board has been designed to optimise the visibility of each issue when space is limited. The Issue Key and Issue Summary will always be visible (and the Issue Summary will be editable), but other fields may not be visible depending on the size of your browser window and the number of columns displayed on your Task Board. To see additional fields:

  1. Make the browser window wider if possible.
  2. Hide one or more columns by clicking the icon (which will appear at the top right of the column when you hover over it) and selecting 'Hide Column' from the drop-down menu.

Why are there symbols on my cards?

GreenHopper can display symbols on your cards to indicate that there is important information about an issue that you need to be aware of:

  • A (tick) symbol indicates the issue is assigned to multiple fix versions and that at least one of those versions is released. A common scenario would be where an issue is assigned to a sprint (e.g. 'Version 1 Milestone 1') for a version (e.g. 'Version 1'), and the sprint has been completed.
  • A (warning) symbol indicates that somebody has flagged this issue for attention. Read more about flagging fields.