Documentation for GreenHopper 6.1.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

(info) Note that this page only applies if you are using the Classic Boards (which are no longer being actively developed; read more).
If you are using the new boards, please see Planning a Version.


GreenHopper allows you to create a new JIRA version without leaving the GreenHopper interface.

Adding a Version

To add one or more new Versions,

  1. Log into JIRA.
    (info) You will need to have the JIRA 'Project Administrator' permission in the relevant project.
  2. Select Agile > Classic in the top navigation bar. Then select Classic Planning Board from the drop-down below the project name.
  3. Click the 'Add' link at the top of the right-hand panel. The 'Add Version' window will display (see screenshot below). Complete the fields as follows:
    • 'Version name' — Enter a short name for your new version. For details, see the JIRA documentation on Managing Versions.
    • 'Parent' (optional) — Enter the parent version for your new version. For details, see the GreenHopper documentation on Setting Up a Version Hierarchy.
    • 'Start date' (optional) — Enter the planned start date for your new version. Required for generating time based statistics.
    • 'End date' (optional) — Enter the planned end date for your new version.
    • 'Release date' (optional) — Enter the planned date of release for your new version. For details, see the JIRA documentation on Managing Versions.
    • 'Description' (optional) — Enter a longer description for your new version. For details, see the JIRA documentation on Managing Versions.
  4. Either:
    • Click the 'Create' button to save your new version and keep the 'Add Version' window open so that you can add another version; or
    • Click the 'Create and Close' button to save your new version and close the 'Add Version' window

(info) You can edit the Start date and End date later if you need to, via the 'Statistics' column of the Planning Board.

Screenshot: Adding a new version in GreenHopper