In GreenHopper, an epic is simply an issue of type "Epic", which has a name (e.g. "My Epic") with which other issues can be associated (linked).
You can rename an epic. You can also change the colour of an epic.
Please note:
Renaming an epic
To change an epic's name,
- Log in to JIRA.
Click the Agile link's down-arrow in the top navigation bar, then select your preferred board from the resulting dropdown menu.
- Your board will be displayed. Click Plan.
- If the Epics panel is not shown at the left of the screen, select Tools > Show Epic Panel.
- In the Epics panel, click the drop-down and select Edit name (see Screenshot 1 below).
- Type the new name for your epic, then press Enter.
Screenshot 1: editing an epic

Changing the colour of an epic
To change an epic's colour,
- Log in to JIRA.
Click the Agile link's down-arrow in the top navigation bar, then select your preferred board from the resulting dropdown menu.
- Your board will be displayed. Click Plan.
- If the Epics panel is not shown at the left of the screen, select Tools > Show Epic Panel.
- In the Epics panel, click the drop-down to display the Colour palette (see Screenshot 1 above) and select a different colour.