Note that this page only applies if you are using the
Classic Boards (which are no longer being actively developed;
read more).
If you are using the
new boards, please see
Using Report Mode.
The GreenHopper Classic Chart Board provides you with a graphical representation of the progress of ongoing versions. You can view 'burndown' graphs that show the number of incomplete issues that need to be addressed or hours remaining to complete work for a specified version, over the duration of that version. You can also view 'burnup' graphs to show other custom data associated with issues, such as business value.
All graphs can show a range of additional trend lines to help you monitor and manage the progress of work conducted in your team.
To view the hour burndown chart for your project version,
- Log into JIRA.
Select Agile > Classic in the top navigation bar. Then select Classic Chart Board from the drop-down below the project name.
- Select your project from the project dropdown (top left of the Chart Board above the 'Chart Board' dropdown), if it is not already selected. The Chart Board will refresh with information for your project.
Tip: You can configure your Chart Board context and user preferences to personalise your Chart Board.
Screenshot: GreenHopperClassic Chart Board (click to view larger image)

The screenshot above shows an example Chart Board. To learn more about how to use the Chart Board, please see the sections below and the documentation linked from those sections.
Classic Chart Board — Navigation Bar
- Project dropdown — Select the project whose charts you wish to view.
- Context dropdown — Select the context by which to filter issues whose data will be represented in the charts ('Default', 'On the fly', or other contexts you have created). You can also select Manage to edit your existing contexts, or New to create a new context. Read more about contexts in Using Contexts to Filter and Highlight Issues.
- Refresh icon — Click the
icon to reload the contents of the Chart Board. - Board dropdown — Select another Classic board to view (Planning Board, Task Board or Released Board).
- Version dropdown — Select the version for the Chart Board.
- Chart type dropdown— Select the type of chart you wish to view:
- Hour Burndown Chart — Displays a chart depicting the number of hours remaining until the version release date.
- Issue Burndown Chart — Displays a chart depicting the number of issues remaining until the version release date.
- Burndown Chart — Displays a chart depicting a custom field's number of units (for example, story points) remaining until the version release date.
- Burnup Chart — Displays a chart depicting a custom field's number of units (for example, business value) being gained in the lead-up to the version release date.
- Value Chart — Displays a chart depicting a custom field's number of units being either burned (for example, 'story points') or gained (for example, 'business value') in the lead-up to the version release date.
- Cumulative Flow — Displays the Cumulative Flow Diagram for a version.
- Custom field and Daily/By Children dropdowns — These options only appear if you have chosen to view the Burndown Chart, Burnup Chart or Value Chart only. Please refer to these topics for details on this dropdown.
- New Card — Click the New link to create a new card (i.e. issue). For details see Creating an Issue in GreenHopper Classic.
- Views dropdown — Select from the following:
- Full Screen — Hides the JIRA header so as to fit more cards on the screen.
- Tools dropdown — Select from the following:
Classic Chart Board - Displayed Chart
The actual display will depend on which chart you have selected. See:
Classic Chart Board — Statistics Column
To select a box, click inside it and once selected, the box turns yellow. The content on the rest of the Board you are viewing will be updated to show the data associated with that box.
- 'Add' (Planning Board in 'Version' mode and Chart Board only. Visible to administrators only.) — Click to create a new version. Read more in Adding a Version.
- 'Statistics' (Planning Board in 'Version' mode and Chart Board only. Visible to administrators only.) — Click to configure statistics displayed in the boxes in this column. Read more in Configuring a Custom Statistic.
- 'Collapse' — Click the
icon to show only the title of each box in the Statistics column. - 'Expand' — Click the
icon to show the full details for each box in the Statistics column. - 'Hide' — Click the
icon to hide the Statistics column and display the 'Issues' section of the Board in full screen width. - Name ('Version', 'Assignee', 'Component', 'Project Overview' modes only. Visible to administrators only.) — Click the
icon (which will appear when you hover this area of the selected box) to edit the version or component name. - Actions menu — Click the
icon (which will appear at the top right of the selected box when you hover over this area) to display a drop-down menu. This drop-down menu can contain the following items. Be aware that some of these are not available on certain GreenHopper Boards:- 'Toggle visibility' — Click to show/hide the current box in the Statistics column.
- 'Issue Navigator' — Click to go to the JIRA Issue Navigator.
- 'Go to Task Board' ('Version' mode only) — Click to go to the Task Board.
- 'Go to Planning Board' ('Version' mode only) — Click to go to the Planning Board.
- 'Go to Chart Board' ('Version' mode only) — Click to go to the Chart Board.
- 'Non Working Days' ('Version' mode only. Visible to administrators only.) — Click to edit the Non Working Days for a specific version. (Note: to edit the Non Working Days for the whole of GreenHopper, see Specifying your GreenHopper General Configuration.)
- 'Print Cards' (Planning Board in 'Version' mode only) — Click to print the displayed issues. For details please see Printing Issues in Card Form.
- 'Print Chart' (Chart and Released Boards only) — Click to print the currently viewed chart.
- 'Excel (Chart Data)' ('Hour Burndown Chart' on the Chart Board only) — Click to download a csv version of the chart's data.
You may need to refresh the contents of the chart board first in order to see this menu option. - 'Release' ('Version' mode only. Visible to administrators only.) — Click to release the version. A snapshot of all of the charts associated with this version will also be captured (before any issues are swapped). You will be able to access these snapshots via your Released Board.
If the version contains unfinished issues, you will be prompted to either ignore them and proceed with the release, or move the unfinished issues to another version of your choice. - 'Recompute' (Released Board only; 'Project Overview' mode only. Visible to administrators only.) — Click to refresh the Released Board. (Note: the Project Overview is the only chart that is stored statically; all other charts are generated dynamically.)
- 'Create Wallboard' (Planning Board only; 'Project Overview' mode only) — Click to create a Wallboard.
- A Wallboard will be created with the name '<Project name> (autogenerated)' and displayed. Your wallboard is a new page on your JIRA dashboard (see Customising the JIRA Dashboard), and will contain:
- Select 'View as Wallboard' from the 'Tools' drop-down on your JIRA dashboard, and stare in awe at your fresh new wallboard. For optimal use of screen real-estate, enter full-screen mode on your browser (F11 in Firefox 3.6 and Chrome 5; Safari requires a plugin to enable full-screen mode) and refresh. Wallboards are optimised for 1920x1080 and 1920x1200 screens, but should work in some other resolution modes.
- Progress of the version ('Version' mode only) — the green bar indicates the percentage of issues that are complete, the yellow bar indicates the percentage of issues in progress, the red bar indicates the percentage of issues that have not been started. Hover over the bar to see the exact percentages. Click on a coloured section of the bar to be taken to the JIRA Issue Navigatorfor the full list of issues in that colour.
- 'Parent' ('Version' & 'Component' modes only) — Click the
icon (which will appear when you hover, if you are an administrator) to choose the parent version or component for the version. All issues under the version/component will also be a subset of the parent version/component, e.g. 'Version 1' could be set as the parent version of 'Version 1 milestone 1'. Read more in Setting Up a Component Hierarchy and Setting Up a Version Hierarchy. - 'Start date' ('Version' mode only) — Click the
icon (which will appear when you hover, if you are an administrator) to edit the start date for the version. - 'End date' ('Version' mode only) — Click the
icon (which will appear when you hover, if you are an administrator) to edit the end date for the version.
Tip: The start date and end date are used to compute the various charts in GreenHopper. - 'Release date' ('Version' mode only) — Click the
icon (which will appear when you hover, if you are an administrator) to edit the JIRA release date for the version. - Issue Type statistics — A summary of the number of issues of each type.
- Statistics based on the Task Board mapping — A summary of the number of issues in each status (based on the Mappings that your administrator has specified in the Task Board Settings).
- Time-tracking statistics:
- 'Time Remaining' — Click the
icon (which will appear when you hover, if you are an administrator) to specify maximum and minimum limits for the amount of time remaining.
- Custom statistics — Displayed if any custom statistics have been created by the project administrator. (The red numbers, if shown, indicate that a statistic's constraint has been exceeded.) If custom statistics exist, you can click the
icon to add them as markers on your Planning Board (see Using Statistical Markers to Group Issues).
Tip: Boxes that relate to child versions or components are attached below their parent version or component and are represented with a right-indented arrow, as shown by the 'Hardening Sprint' example in the screenshot above.