Documentation for GreenHopper 6.2.x. Documentation for other versions of JIRA Agile is available too.
GreenHopper is now called JIRA Agile. Learn more.

An issue typically represents a user story. Once you have created an issue, you will typically create several sub-tasks representing the work items required to implement the story.

To create a new JIRA issue from within GreenHopper simply type "c" or click Create Issue at the top of the screen:

Enter your issue details into the Create Issue dialog box, as shown below. If you select the Create another check box (at the bottom of the screen), JIRA will create your issue and automatically pre-populate a new Create Issue dialog box with your previous issue details, while leaving the Summary field blank. This allows you to rapidly create a series of issues with similar details.

(info) If you wish to choose which fields will appear when you create (or edit) an issue, click the Configure Fields button.

(tick) If you are using epics, you may want to click Configure Fields and add the Epic Link field to the screen shown below, so that you can add issues to epics as you create them. (You can also create an issue that automatically belongs to a particular epic — see Adding an Issue to an Epic.)


Screenshot: Creating an issue