24 June 2009
With pleasure, Atlassian presents version 1.1 of the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse.
The Atlassian Connector for Eclipse builds on Mylyn's task-focused interface to integrate your Eclipse IDE closely with your JIRA issues, Crucible code reviews, FishEye repository views and Bamboo builds. For a full list of the connector's features, take a look at our version 1.0 release notes. With the release of version 1.1, the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse is now fully compatible with Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) and Mylyn 3.2. This release introduces full support for Subversive where you are versioning your project under SVN. This means that you can work with issues, code reviews, builds and FishEye repository inspection when using the Subversive plugin for Eclipse, as well as the already-supported Subclipse plugin. Are you using CVS? The connector's FishEye integration now provides full support for CVS. You can now log work against a JIRA issue from within your Eclipse IDE. Combined with the connector's existing functionality, this means that you hardly ever need to move out of your IDE to your web browser when managing issues. We have also fixed a number of problems and concentrated on code refactoring. We are changing the connector's name, from 'Atlassian Eclipse Connector' to 'Atlassian Connector for Eclipse'. The new name complies with the Eclipse Foundation's Guidelines for Eclipse Logos & Trademarks.
Highlights of this Release:
Don't have the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse yet?
You can install the connector directly from the Eclipse software updates manager or via the Mylyn Connector Discovery wizard. Follow our installation guide.
This is an open source project. The source code is available in our SVN repository.
We love your feedback!
Please log your issues, requests and votes. They help us decide what needs doing.
When installing components of the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse, please select either Subclipse or Subversive, not both. (Details are in our installation guide.) Installing one or the other of these two integration options will allow you to make full use of the Atlassian Connector's integration with Crucible for code reviews and FishEye for source repository viewing, when versioning your project under SVN.
Highlights of this Release
Log Work against a JIRA Issue
You can now log work against a JIRA issue from within your Eclipse IDE. Combined with the connector's existing functionality, this means that you hardly ever need to move out of your IDE to your web browser when managing issues.
Full Support for Subversive Plugin
The connector now provides full support for the Subversive plugin for Eclipse where you are versioning your project under SVN. Earlier releases of the connector already support Subclipse. This means that you can work with all the connector's Atlassian integrations from within your Eclipse IDE via Subversive or Subclipse.
- Manage JIRA issues.
- Conduct Crucible code reviews.
- Monitor Bamboo builds.
- Use FishEye's awesome repository inspection.
If you would like more details, please refer to our SCM support guide.
FishEye Support for CVS
The connector's FishEye integration now provides full support for CVS within Eclipse.
- Open a source file in FishEye's web interface, directly from your Eclipse editor.
- Copy the FishEye link to your clipboard and share FishEye file references with others.
If you would like more details, please refer to our SCM support guide.
Other Points Worth Mentioning
- When you are configuring a FishEye SCM mapping, the connector now provides a default SCM path.
- The connector supports Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo), which is due for GA (general availability) release on 24 June.
- The connector supports the new Mylyn 3.2 release, including a more streamlined and flexible bug reporting feature.
- You can now install the connector via Mylyn's new 'Connector Discovery' wizard, as described in our installation guide.
- In the Eclipse software installation dialog, both Subversive and Subclipse are included in the 'optional' integration features rather than the 'recommended' features for the Atlassian connector.
Complete List of Fixes in this Release
Please take a look at the fixes in the connector's JIRA integration project on the Eclipse bug list.
Below is a list of the fixes and improvements in the main project for the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse. The list below is drawn from our JIRA issue tracker.