As of June 1, 2015, the IDE Connector documentation will no longer be maintained by Atlassian. See for more information. We will also be making this documentation available for our open source community here:

18 December 2012

Atlassian presents version 3.0.7 of the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse.

What's new in this release?

  • Reduced number of dependencies to external libraries.
  • Improved JIRA 5.2 compatibility.

Important Note when Upgrading from version 2.3 or earlier

The majority of the Crucible and FishEye integration has been removed in version 3.0 of the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse. The Connector still supports opening files in Eclipse from Fisheye. 

For more details, please read the announcement.

Don't have the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse yet?

You can install the connector directly from the Eclipse software updates manager or from a zipped archive. Follow our installation guide.

We love your feedback!

Please log your issues, requests and votes. They help us decide what needs doing.

This is an open source project. Fork it or get the source code from our bitbucket repository.

Highlights of this Release

Reduced number of dependencies to external libraries

We have revised Atlassian Connector for Eclipse dependencies to external libraries and removed some of them. Installation and update of the Connector is now much more error-proof for various Eclipse versions and distributions.


Improved JIRA 5.2 compatibility

JIRA 5.2 changed the search url and free text search stopped working in the Atlassian Connector for Eclipse. We have fixed that issue.


Complete List of Fixes in this Release

key summary priority status

Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error.

View these issues in Jira

  • No labels


  1. Is it normal that the com.atlassian.connector.eclipse.branding.ui 3.0.7 plugin has:



    The last bundle requirement breaks lots of installations of the 3.0.7 connector on top of Eclipse Indigo.

    Version 3.0.5 was compatible with Mylyn 3.7; are there archived builds of that version available somewhere? I really don't want to try re-building 3.0.5...


    • Nicolas.
    1. Hi,

      Mylyn 3.8 changed its API and the functionality used in branding.ui is now located in mylyn.commons.workbench.

      1. Is there any particular reason why you don't want to upgrade your Mylyn version to 3.8? It is compatible with Eclipse Indigo.
      2. What do you mean by "breaks lots of installations"? The 3.0.7 update site contains reference to Mylyn 3.8 update site so the installation should go smooth. Can you let me know some details so I can try to reproduce the problem and fix it? (Eclipse version, distribution, Mylyn version, etc.)

      BTW. We have just released Connector v3.1. Take a look at the release notes and installation instructions.


  2. Is it possible to use the JIRA Connector API in my own developed plugins, and what required plugins do I have to add to the target platform?

    1. Hi,

      Could you elaborate a bit more what would you like to do and what kind of API do you want to use?


      1. Anonymous

        My plugin should connect to a JIRA-Server, read, create and update issues and subtasks.

        1. Sorry wasn't logged in for the last comment. In your source repository I've found the class JiraWebClient which I want to use to connect to a JIRA-3.13-Server.

    2. I think the best option is to use Atlassian Connector Commons library. The project is located on bitbutcket so you can clone/fork it and go through the sources:

      The jar file for the library is located here: (pick up the latest version). You can simply bundle it with your project and start using.

      If you want to see some examples of usage then try to look into Atlassian Connector for Intellij IDEA project located here:

      Example of getting list of issues according to filter:
      Example of getting issue by key:
      Example of testing connection:



      1. Thanks for your answer. I think this is what I searched for.
