This page tells you how to configure your Atlassian Connector within Microsoft Visual Studio. Before following the steps below, please make sure that you have installed the connector, as described in the Installation Guide.
On this page:
Configuring your General Options
Screenshot: General tab of the connector's IDE Settings panel
The 'General' tab is used to define the upgrade options for your connector, configure an HTTP proxy and set other options as described below.
To access the general options:
- Go to the 'Global Settings' for the Visual Studio Connector, by clicking the global configuration icon on your connector window.
- Click the 'General' tab.
Automatic Updates (Check only)
The connector's automatic update feature, if enabled, will notify you when a new version of the connector is available. Please note, the new version of the connector will not be automatically installed. You must manually download and install it yourself as described in Upgrading the Visual Studio Connector.
To configure the connector's auto-update feature:
- Put a tick in the 'Automatically check for availability of new versions' checkbox to allow Visual Studio to automatically check for the latest available stable (released) version of the connector. You must put a tick in this checkbox to enable the two options below:
- Put a tick in the 'Check stable versions and snapshot versions' checkbox if the Visual Studio should check for unstable (development) versions of the connector as well as stable versions.
Put a tick in the 'Report anonymous usage statistics' checkbox if you are happy for us to collect anonymous information on the way you use the connector.
'Report anonymous usage statistics' option
All the information we collect is anonymous and cannot be used to identify you. We do not collect any private information. We use a randomly generated unique ID to differentiate one installation from another. See Collecting Usage Statistics for the Visual Studio Connector.
You can manually force the Visual Studio to check for new versions of the connector by doing the following:
- Select the 'Stable Version' radio button if you want Visual Studio to check for the latest available stable (released) version of the connector only; or select the 'Stable and Snapshot Version' radio button if Visual Studio should check for unstable (development) versions of the connector as well as stable versions
- Click the 'Check Now' button.
- If a new version is available, a window will display with a link to download the new version of the connector.
Configuring your JIRA Servers in Visual Studio
Configuring your JIRA Server Connections
To configure your JIRA server connection(s):
- Go to the 'Project Settings' for the Visual Studio Connector, by clicking the project configuration icon on your connector window.
To add a JIRA server:
- Select the 'JIRA Servers' option in the left pane of the 'Project Configuration' window.
- Click the 'Add New Server' button.
- A form will display. Enter the information as follows:
- 'Server Name' — A description of your JIRA server.
- 'Server Enabled' — Select this checkbox if you want to enable this server in the connector.
- 'Server Shared Between Solutions' — Select this checkbox if you want to share this server between solutions. This means that you will not need to set up this server again when you create a new solution in Visual Studio.
- 'Server URL' — The address of your JIRA server.
- 'Do not use proxy' — You can bypass the proxy settings for this server by selecting this checkbox.
- 'Username' and 'Password' — The login name and password you use to access the JIRA server.
- Click the 'Add Server' button to save your changes.
- Click the 'Test Connection' button to check that the connection to the server works.
- Click 'Close' to close the configuration tab.
- Now you can configure the JIRA options, as described below.
You can add more than one JIRA server.
Configuring your JIRA Options
- Go to the 'Global Settings' for the Visual Studio Connector, by clicking the configuration icon on your connector window.
- Click the 'JIRA' tab. You will be able to configure the following options:
- 'Issues Batch Size' — Define the maximum number of issues that the connector will show on each screen. At display time, if there are more issues than specified here, the connector will display a 'Get More Issues...' link allowing you to retrieve the next batch of issues from the server.
Configuring your Bamboo Servers in Visual Studio
Configuring your Bamboo Server Connections
To configure your Bamboo server connection(s):
- Go to the 'Project Settings' for the Visual Studio Connector, by clicking the project configuration icon on your connector window.
To add a Bamboo server:
- Click the 'Add New Server' button. Select 'Bamboo' from the menu that appears.
- A form will display. Enter the information as follows:
- 'Server Name' — A description of your Bamboo server.
- 'Server Enabled' — Select this checkbox if you want to enable this server in the connector.
- 'Server Shared Between Solutions' — Select this checkbox if you want to share this server between solutions. This means that you will not need to set up this server again when you create a new solution in Visual Studio.
- 'Server URL' — The address of your Bamboo server.
- 'Do not use proxy' — You can bypass the proxy settings for this server by selecting this checkbox.
- 'Username' and 'Password' — The login name and password you use to access the Bamboo server.
- Select 'Monitor Favorite Plans' to monitor the plans that you have selected as favorites in Bamboo, or select 'Select Plans to Monitor' to manually choose which plans to monitor.
- Click the 'Test Connection' button to check that the connection to the server works.
- Click the 'Add Server' button to save your changes.
- Click 'Close' to close the configuration tab.
- Now you can configure the Bamboo options, as described below.
You can add more than one Bamboo server.
Configuring your Bamboo Options
- Go to the 'Global Settings' for the Visual Studio Connector, by clicking the configuration icon on your connector window.
- Click the 'Bamboo' tab. You will be able to configure the following options:
- 'Polling Interval (seconds)' — Define how often the Bamboo servers that you have set up in the connector will be polled for changes.
Configuring your Network and Proxy Settings
Configuring your Network and Proxy Settings
If you need to set up a proxy (with authentication) to access your network (e.g. your JIRA/Bamboo servers), follow the instructions below:
To configure your network and proxy settings:
- Go to the 'Global Configuration' for the Visual Studio Connector, by clicking the global configuration icon on your connector window.
- Click the 'Network and Proxy Settings' tab. Set the network and proxy settings for the connector, as desired:
- 'Network Timeout (seconds)' — specify the network timeout for the connector.
- Choose either 'Use System Proxy Settings', 'Use Custom Proxy Settings' or 'Do Not Use Proxy'
- If you have selected 'Use Custom Proxy Settings', you need to specify the proxy settings and authentication details, if required.
- Click 'OK' to save your changes.
Note, you can bypass the proxy settings for individual servers. See above
Screenshot: Network and Proxy Settings for the Atlassian Connector for Visual Studio
Installation and Upgrade Guide for the Visual Studio Connector
Using JIRA in the Visual Studio Connector
Mark Bickford
This is strange... under the heading "Configuring your Network and Proxy Settings" I get
Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User '<me>' does not have permission to view the page '_Configuring Network and Proxy Settings in Visual Studio'.
Karol Lopacinski
Mark Bickford - fixed, the section should be visible now.
Mark Bickford
Thanks... confirmed!