
Read about Insight and its capabilities.

Understand its features.

Read about the common use cases implemented with it.

What is Insight?

Insight helps organisations with Enterprise Asset Management.

All organisations have resources and assets that are a part of their daily business routines. One can label them as "Business Assets". 

A business asset is an item owned and valued by an organization. Business assets can be of varied types. They can be physical goods, like vehicles, real estate, computers, office furniture etc. or intangible items, like software and intellectual property. The most valuable resource of them all is "Employees" or "People".

For example, if you are working in HR, you will be faster and more efficient if you can control and manage data that is important for your work to be accomplished.


Sophisticated Imports

All organizations have data for their IT assets, business assets etc. and this data could be distributed at multiple locations. Moreover, it could be unstructured. Insight provides a smooth import framework which helps you gather that scattered and unstructured data and streamline it in to provide structure for better control.

You can import data from a CSV file, JSON file or LDAP servers as well as from Jira and other databases.

Additionally, several free Insight integration apps on Marketplace let you automatically import data from cloud providers like Google, Azure and AWS.

There are free apps as well to import data from solutions like ServiceNow, Microsoft SCCM and Snow License Manager.

Business Intelligence

A customer who has millions of assets needs to have information that can be actioned on. Insight provides sophisticated reporting which in turn can offer business intelligence capabilities. For example, you can see how many issues were created for a particular asset in Insight using Issue Count Report.

You can use built in reports or create your own report types.

You can save these reports and even share them with your team.

Graphical Visualization

Visual representations of all data with its complexities is crucial when you work with enterprise asset management.

Insight provides three levels of graphs to visualize how your assets depend on each other.

Schema graphs help you with data modeling as well.

Automation Framework and Post Functions

The Automation framework in Insight lets you set up automation rules to not only control and manipulate your assets but also the associated Jira issues.

These rules can create Jira issues for you, edit an Insight object's attributes, execute a groovy script, and even make HTTP request calls. Additionally, you can set up rules to notify users for specific events on your objects in Insight.

Insight also provides a set of post functions for your Jira workflow's transitions. These post functions help manipulate your assets in Insight, set Jira custom fields with values from attributes of Insight objects, create Insight objects out of Jira issues and much more.

Dependency Mapping

Business and IT assets could have relationship with other assets. For example, a computer has references to its installed software, to its user, to its vendor, to its cost centre etc.

Insight provides you the feature of dependency mapping to manage all levels of references between your assets.

You can preserve these references even when you import data from external sources.

Common use cases

IT Service Management

Across all IT industry projects, when you work with incidents, problems, changes and other IT requests, you need an integrated and up-to-date Configuration Management Database (CMDB). IT organizations use Insight to manage all IT assets while using Jira to design workflows and maintain all service requests. The seamless integration between the service requests and their corresponding data (IT assets in this case) in Insight enables better control and management when an organization works towards providing services to its customers.

Customer Relationship Management

The processes in a sales organisation can entail prospect identification and classification, lead capture, deal management, sales funnelling, customer retention and follow-up. These processes not only need to capture a lot of data, they also need to be accurate and quick. For the right decisions to be made, you need all the information at your fingertips. Insight provides the way to capture and store information about leads, customers, deals, contracts, licenses and all other types of metadata. Together with tasks and issues in Jira, Insight provides a robust platform for customer relationship management.

Human Resources

HR service managers support organizations to streamline HR service delivery and enable interaction between HR and employees. A good HR service management solution will facilitate IT and HR to jointly transform their organization’s HR service delivery. 

To get the most value out of these solutions, you need your service management solution to have access to the data describing these objects (in this case, people and things). 

Some of the functions where Insight helps you make HR processes in Jira more efficient are:

  • Automated onboarding for all new employees
  • Controlled management of employees' data
  • Effective interaction between HR and the employees

Insight provides ready templates out of the box to create schemas for all of the above use cases.

Additionally, Insight comes in with a template to create a Jira project for the IT service management use case.

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