JIRA 3.13 Upgrade Guide
Upgrading from JIRA 3.12.xx to 3.13
Please follow the JIRA general upgrade instructions, plus note the following:
1. Introduction of Favourite Dashboards and Filters
Favourite Dashboards
JIRA 3.13 introduces the favourite dashboards feature, which allows you to add dashboard pages that are owned by you or shared by other users as favourites (and hence, are displayed as tabs on your dashboard). On upgrade to JIRA 3.13, all your dashboard pages will be added as your favourites and displayed on your dashboard. If you do not wish any of your dashboards to be added as favourites, then you can remove them as favourites after the upgrade. See the dashboards documentation for details.
Favourite Filters
Similar to favourite dashboards, JIRA 3.13 introduces the favourite filters feature, which allows you to add issue filters that are owned by you or shared by other users as favourites. On upgrade to JIRA 3.13, all your issue filters will be added as your favourites. If you do not wish any of your filters to be added as favourites, then you can remove them as favourites after the upgrade. See the issue filters documentation for details.
please note, this change will not affect issue filter sharing, e.g. if you are using a shared issue filter in one of your dashboard portlets, it will still be shared with you after the upgrade.
please also note, that any custom developed portlets (or other JIRA objects that use filters that have been developed by 3rd parties) that have a dropdown list (not a pop-up picker) for filters, will now only show a list of the user's favourite filters, instead of all shared filters.
Favourite Filters portlet
The 'List All Filters' portlet has been replaced with the 'Favourite Filters' portlet in this release. Your dashboard will be automatically upgraded if it is currently configured to display the 'List All Filters' portlet.
2. Tomcat, MySQL database connection dropouts
Please note, if you wish to use a MySQL database with JIRA Standalone you must set up the bundled Tomcat server (version 5.5.26) to survive connection closures. You must also do this if you are running JIRA EAR/WAR in Tomcat 5.5.25 or later, or Tomcat 6.0.13 or later. Versions 5.5.25 and above of Tomcat 5, and versions 6.0.13 and above of Tomcat 6, have been noted to exhibit problems maintaining connections to MySQL databases. Please read this document for details on the changes required.
3. Changes to jira-application.properties
jira.subscription.email.max.issues property
The jira.subscription.email.max.issues
property has been added to the jira-application.properties
file. This property allows you to specify the maximum number of issues that can be included in an email subscription. The default value for this property is 200. You may wish to update this property after the upgrade if you wish to set a different limit on the number of issues that can be included in an email subscription. See the documentation on Advanced JIRA Configuration for further details on this file.
4. Support for Portlet Plugins with JSP Views Discontinued
Portlet plugins with JSP views are no longer supported. If you have written a custom Portlet plugin and have used a JSP as the view template, you will need to convert your JSP to Velocity.
5. Updates to JIRA SOAP and XML-RPC APIs
- replaced
RemoteProject[] getProjects(String token) throws RemoteException;
RemoteProject[] getProjectsNoSchemes(String token) throws RemoteException
You should use getProjectsNoSchemes() instead because it much more memory efficient and quicker.
- added
RemoteProject getProjectWithSchemesById(String token, Long projectId) throws RemoteException;
- deprecated
RemoteFilter[] getSavedFilters(String token) throws RemoteException;
- added
RemoteFilter[] getFavouriteFilters(String token) throws RemoteException;
- replaced
Vector getProjects(String token) throws Exception;
Vector getProjectsNoSchemes(String token) throws Exception;
- deprecated
Vector getSavedFilters(String token) throws Exception;
- added
Vector getFavouriteFilters(String token) throws Exception;
6. Crowd Cache Timeout
This is only applicable if you are using Crowd.
The default timeout for caching user details has changed from 5 minutes to 2 hours. This will improve the performance of the application but will mean that it will take longer for changes to user details to reach the application. Details on how to configure the Crowd caches can be found here.
Upgrading from JIRA 3.12 and earlier
In addition to the above, please read the Upgrade Guide for every version you are skipping during the upgrade. The complete list of Upgrade Guides is available here.