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All hosted evaluations of JIRA that began after August 26, 2010 come bundled with the Universal Plugin Manager.

If you began your evaluation before this date, follow the instructions for installing plugins without the UPM.

Installing Plugins through the Universal Plugin Manager (UPM)

1. Access 'Universal Plugin Manager' from Admin

  • Navigate to the Admin tab in JIRA
  • Click Universal Plugin Manager under System

2. Search for your plugin

  • Navigate to the Install tab of the UPM
  • Find your plugin...
    • If you're looking for a particular plugin, search for it in the search box at the top-right of the UPM.
    • If you'd like to browse plugins, explore the "Plugins to show" drop-down menu.

3. Install

Once you find your plugin, click on it's title to expand it.

At the bottom of the plugin's description, there will be a button, which will say 1 of 2 things:

  • Install now - If the button says Install now, simply click the button to begin the installation process.
  • Download - If the button says Download, the plugin is not compatible with the UPM and must be installed manually. In this case, follow the instructions for installing plugins without the UPM.

4. Restart JIRA

Once the plugin is installed, the UPM will alert you that you need to restart the instance. To do this, you will need to file a support ticket:

Installing plugins without the UPM

To install plugins without the UPM, you will need to file a support ticket:

  • Go to: https://support.atlassian.com/secure/CreateIssue.jspa (you may need to create an account).
  • Select project: Enterprise Hosting and fill out the required fields of the issue creation form.
  • In the description field, provide the support engineers with the name of the desired plugin(s) and a link to the file if you have it (plugins can be discovered through the UPM or by visiting Atlassian's Plugn Repository.

Please note

While there are many third party plugins available, only some are classified as Atlassian Supported. If a plugin is supported by Atlassian, we ensure that it is compatible across upgrades and new versions. If a plugin is not classified as 'Atlassian Supported', you may still install it at your own risk, however we can not ensure that it will remain compatible with future versions and upgrades.

Most plugins in the Atlassian plugin libraries are free and open source, developed and donated by our community of generous plugin developers. Most of these plugins work well, and provide interesting and useful enhancements to our products.

However, because we didn't write these plugins, Atlassian does not offer support for them. And in the event that they inadvertently cause problems with our software, our support engineers may ask you to uninstall them.