Portfolio for Jira Home
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- Upgrade Fails: Problem upgrading with script, Violation of unique constraint on upgrade_33.sql
- Upgrade fails from 3.2 to 3.5.13 due to: failed during the SCHEMA_UPGRADE phase due to: StatementCallback
- Fisheye upgrade to 4.8.x fails because cru_source_rev_path_hash column already exists in cru_revision table
- Fisheye/Crucible upgrade to versions > 4.8 fails with unique constraint violation on uk_source_rev_path_hash
- Preparing for the upgrade
- Upgrade Fails Due to Previously Failed Upgrade Attempt on Same JIRA Instance
- Bamboo fails to start up after upgrade to 8.0 or higher with upgrade task 70303 throwing FileNotFoundException
- Bamboo fail to upgrade due to duplicate constraints
- Unable to upgrade Confluence. Data too long for column 'MINOR_EDIT'
- Do I need to manually upgrade my Bamboo Agents?
Portfolio for Jira dynamically loads your Jira issues into your plan, and suggests releases you can work with. The plan data is always up-to-date, allowing you to track the progress of your releases, and to know if these releases will be completed on time.
Plans also let you group project-specific releases into cross-project releases, which easily gives you a higher level view of your goals.
Check out some demo videos here.
Last modified on Apr 4, 2019
In this section
Related content
- Upgrade Fails: Problem upgrading with script, Violation of unique constraint on upgrade_33.sql
- Upgrade fails from 3.2 to 3.5.13 due to: failed during the SCHEMA_UPGRADE phase due to: StatementCallback
- Fisheye upgrade to 4.8.x fails because cru_source_rev_path_hash column already exists in cru_revision table
- Fisheye/Crucible upgrade to versions > 4.8 fails with unique constraint violation on uk_source_rev_path_hash
- Preparing for the upgrade
- Upgrade Fails Due to Previously Failed Upgrade Attempt on Same JIRA Instance
- Bamboo fails to start up after upgrade to 8.0 or higher with upgrade task 70303 throwing FileNotFoundException
- Bamboo fail to upgrade due to duplicate constraints
- Unable to upgrade Confluence. Data too long for column 'MINOR_EDIT'
- Do I need to manually upgrade my Bamboo Agents?
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