We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

Check the release status of a version

Since a version has many moving parts, you need to be sure that everything is ready before you can release a particular version — issues are complete, code is committed, reviewed, and merged, builds are passing, etc. The Release Hub in Jira Software can help you stay on top of everything when it's time to release a version. Each issue in Jira Software also has a development panel that helps you see the development status of an issue at a glance.

Using the release hub

The release hub is useful for seeing the status of a version at a point in time. It shows a summary and breakdown of the issues in the version so you can see if there's any remaining work for the release.

To view a version, select Releases in your project sidebar, then select your version from the list.

Depending on which development tools are connected to Jira Software, warnings can also appear when your issue data is potentially out of sync with your development data. These include warnings about issues that are marked as done but have open pull requests or unreviewed code.

Learn more about warnings on the release page

Checking the development status of an issue

If you need to deep dive into individual issues, the development panel on each issue will show you its development status. This includes commits, builds, branches, pull requests, and more.

Learn more about viewing development information for an issue


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