Relevant SQL queries for Jira Advanced Roadmap Plans
Platform notice: Server and Data Center only. This article only applies to Atlassian products on the Server and Data Center platforms.
Support for Server* products ended on February 15th 2024. If you are running a Server product, you can visit the Atlassian Server end of support announcement to review your migration options.
*Except Fisheye and Crucible
Please note the following information is provided as-is. Atlassian Support cannot provide further assistance with the SQL queries described below
The contents displayed on Advanced Roadmap Plans are not stored in the database. Rather, they are loaded using the issue source filters whenever the Plan is called.
These queries are here to help map and associate plans with issue sources and affected teams.
Queries for Issue Sources
This section shows the relationship of tables involved in mapping different issue sources to plans
The table AO_D9132D_ISSUE_SOURCE
contains the mapping of issue sources for each plan. This query will list all the issue sources mapped per plan.
SELECT plan."TITLE" as "Plan Name", plansrc."SOURCE_TYPE" as "Source Type", plansrc."SOURCE_VALUE" as "Source ID"
FROM "AO_D9132D_ISSUE_SOURCE" plansrc, "AO_D9132D_PLAN" plan
WHERE plansrc."PLAN_ID" = plan."ID";
There are three possible issue sources for Plans. These queries cross-reference the issue source based on the IDs from the plan's issue source.
SELECT board."NAME" as "Board Name", board."OWNER_USER_NAME" as "Board Owner", filter.filtername as "Filter name", filter.authorname as "Filter Owner", filter.reqcontent as "Filter Query" FROM "AO_60DB71_RAPIDVIEW" board, searchrequest filter WHERE = board."SAVED_FILTER_ID" AND board."ID" IN (<board IDs from query above>);
SELECT as "Filter ID", filter.filtername as "Filter name", filter.authorname as "Filter Owner", filter.reqcontent as "Filter Query" FROM searchrequest filter WHERE in (<filter ids from query above>);
SELECT as "Project ID", p.pname as "Project Name", p.lead as "Project Lead" FROM project p WHERE IN (<project IDs from query above>);
Queries for Teams
This section shows the relationship of tables involved in mapping teams to parent issues or plans
The table entity_property
contains the mapping of teams to parent issues. The KB on viewing an issue from the database using SQL contains the query on how to get the jiraissue id of the parent issue.
SELECT * FROM entity_property WHERE json_value like '%team_id%' and entity_id in <id of parent issue in jiraissue>;
To get the list of teams mapped to the parent issue, use the query below:
SELECT id, title FROM "AO_82B313_TEAM" WHERE "ID" in (<team_ids from previous query separated by a comma>);
To get a list of all plans, that a specific team is used by you can use (replace <team_name> appropriately)
SELECT pt."PLAN_ID", p."TITLE" as Plan_Name, t."ID" , t."SHAREABLE", t."TITLE" as Team_Name, t."ID" FROM "AO_82B313_TEAM" t
JOIN "AO_D9132D_PLANTEAM" pt on t."ID" = pt."TEAM_ID"
JOIN "AO_D9132D_PLAN" p on p."ID" =pt."PLAN_ID"
WHERE t."TITLE" = '<team_name>';
Relations between Initiatives and Epics
Advanced Roadmaps (ARJ) stores the link in two separate ways - one in the issuelink table, and, the other in the entity_property table. Either link type is valid, and, the places they are utilized are not 1:1. Which is why the two tables are expected to not have the same count of entries.
The table entity_property
contains links to parents of Epics and anything above its hierarchy, while issuelink
contains links from Epics to Stories.
To get the corresponding Initiative or parent issue of an Epic in Advanced Roadmaps for Jira, we can use this query below. The KB on viewing an issue from the database using SQL contains the query on how to get the jiraissue id of the EPIC issue.
SELECT * FROM entity_property WHERE entity_name = 'IssueProperty' AND property_key = 'jpo-issue-properties' AND json_value LIKE '%parent_id%' AND entity_id = <jiraissue id of the EPIC issue>
Custom Fields in Plans
To check if a Jira custom field is associated with any plan you can check the table AO_D9132D_PLAN_CUSTOM_FIELD for the FIELD_ID.
Querying for Advanced Roadmaps for Jira Custom Fields
Querying the custom fields for the Advanced Roadmaps for Jira plugin might be a challenge. That happens because their values aren't stored in the customfieldvalue
table, as described in Instead, they are stored as JSON values in the entity_property
For example, query to find the original_story_points
custom field value
ep.entity_id AS issue_id,
CAST((CAST(ep.json_value AS json) ->> 'original_story_points') AS float) AS original_story_points,
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 'epoch' + CAST(CAST(ep.json_value AS json) ->> 'baseline_start' AS bigint) * INTERVAL '1 millisecond' AS baseline_start,
TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 'epoch' + CAST(CAST(ep.json_value AS json) ->> 'baseline_end' AS bigint) * INTERVAL '1 millisecond' AS baseline_end,
CONCAT(p.pkey, '-', i.issuenum) AS issue_key
entity_property ep
JOIN jiraissue i ON = ep.entity_id
JOIN project p ON = i.project
ep.property_key = 'jpo-issue-properties';
For other Advanced roadmaps custom fields:
- Team ID > replace 'original_story_point' with 'team_id'
- Parent link > replace 'original_story_point' with 'parent_id'
Reference: Querying for Advanced Roadmaps for Jira Custom Fields