This documentation relates to an earlier version of the SharePoint Connector.

Unknown macro: {spacejump}

or visit the current documentation home.

The SharePoint Connector User's Guide tells you how to search Confluence and SharePoint content, display SharePoint content in Confluence and display Confluence content in SharePoint.

On this page:

Searching Confluence and Sharepoint Content

Searching in SharePoint

When you perform a search in SharePoint:
  • By default, all searches will return content from both Confluence and Sharepoint.
  • The results will be ordered by relevance, regardless of which system they are from.

To search for Confluence and SharePoint content from a SharePoint page,

  1. Select 'All Sites' in the search scope option. Note that your search scope cannot be 'This Site' or 'This List'.

  2. Enter your search words and click the 'Go Search' icon. Here is an example of the SharePoint search box:

  3. The search results page will open, showing the Confluence federated search results web part.

Searching in Confluence

There are two options when searching from a Confluence screen:
  • Searching Confluence only
  • Searching SharePoint and Confluence. This option is available only if your Confluence site and space are using the 'SharePoint Decorators' theme.

To search for Confluence and SharePoint content from a Confluence page,

  1. Select 'SharePoint & Confluence' in the search scope option. Here is an example of the Confluence search box:

    (info) The search scope option appears only if your Confluence site and space are using the 'SharePoint Decorators' theme.

  2. Enter your search words and click the 'Search' button.

  3. The search will open in SharePoint and the results will be the same as when you perform the search from SharePoint.

Want more?

Please refer to the detailed guide to searching.

Displaying SharePoint Lists on a Confluence Page

Using the simplest form of the macro, all you need to enter is the name of your SharePoint list and the list type. The macro will display default columns, based on the list type.

To use the basic form of the {sp-list} macro,

  1. Enter the following text onto the Confluence page:
    {sp-list:LIST NAME|LIST TYPE}
  2. Replace the text 'LIST NAME' and 'LIST TYPE' with your own values.

In the example below, we show the list of documents in a SharePoint document library. The list name is 'documents' and the list type is 'document'.

What you need to type

What you will get


Want more?

Please refer to the details of the parameters and options for the {sp-list} macro.

Linking to a SharePoint List or Document on a Confluence Page

Using the simplest form of the macro, all you need to enter is the name of your SharePoint list or document library, and optionally the path to a document. The SharePoint Link macro will create a hyperlink on your page, pointing to the SharePoint location or file specified.

To use the basic form of the {sp-link} macro,

  1. Enter the following text onto the Confluence page to link to a list:
    {sp-link:LIST-NAME}my hyperlinked text{sp-link}
    Or enter the following text to link to a specific document:
    {sp-link:LIBRARY-NAME/DOCUMENT-NAME}my hyperlinked text{sp-link}
  2. Replace the text 'LIST-NAME' with your own values for your SharePoint list name, or replace the text 'LIBRARY-NAME/DOCUMENT-NAME' with your SharePoint document library and file name.
  3. Replace the text 'my hyperlinked text' with the words that you want displayed as a hyperlink on the Confluence page.

In the example below, we link to a specific document in a SharePoint document library. The library name is 'documents' and the document name is 'checklist.docx'.

What you need to type

Hyperlink created

{sp-link:documents/checklist.docx}a good checklist{sp-link}

a good checklist

Want more?

Please refer to the details of the parameters and options for the {sp-link} macro.

Displaying Confluence Pages and Page Trees in SharePoint

Other than search, SharePoint integration with Confluence is revealed through two web parts. These web parts can be added to any web part page by an individual with the "Design" permission level or better (basically anyone in a group that has the "Add and Customize Pages" site permission).

Many of the pages in SharePoint are web parts pages (including the home page in any SharePoint site), you can also create web part pages in a document library that has the "Web Part Page" document template (this document library typically has the name "Pages").

To add the web parts, simply go to a web part page and choose to edit it from the Site Actions menu as shown below. Then click the "Add Web Part" button corresponding to the zone (location) you want your web part(s) to reside. Then scroll down in the popup dialog to find the Conflence web parts and select one of both of them as shown to the right.

The Confluence Page Web Part

The Confluence Page web part is used to render a specific page from Confluence in SharePoint. To edit the web part settings, choose "Modify Shared Web Part" from the web part drop down as shown to the right. Please also see the related web part editor on the right-side of this screen.

The Confluence "host" shown comes from the settings currently saved in the "Confluence Settings" page (found under Site Settings). The Confluence spaces listed are trimmed based on Confluence user permissions for each space.

Once a space is selected, a hierarchical (tree-view) list of pages will be presented to select from.  A selected page will be bolded.  Please click OK or Apply to make the new page show in the web part.

See Web Part Connections on how to connect this web part to other web parts.

For more details on how to configure the web parts see SharePoint Feature Configuration.

The Confluence Tree Web Part

The Confluence Tree View web part is used to represent a hierachical view of pages within specific Confluence space. To edit the web part settings, choose "Modify Shared Web Part" from the web part drop down as shown to the right. Please also see the related web part editor on the right-side of this screen.

The Confluence "host" shown comes from the settings currently saved in the "Confluence Settings" page (found under Site Settings). The Confluence spaces listed are trimmed based on Confluence user permissions for each space.

See Web Part Connections on how to connect this web part to other web parts.

For more details on how to configure the web parts see SharePoint Feature Configuration.

Web Part Connections

For the SharePoint Connector for Confluence, Web Part Connections are supported for the two web parts: Confluence Pages Tree View web part and the Confluence Page web part. The support allows either web part to consume information from another web part.
  • In the case of the Confluence Pages Tree View web part it allows another web part to provide it the space key so that it can display the hierarchy of pages for the provided space.
  • In the case of the Confluence Page web part it allows another web part to provide it the page ID so that id can display the Confluence page.


The Confluence Pages Tree View web part does not currently act as a web part connection provider and provide the page ID to the Confluence Page web part. See JIRA issue CSI-136 to track this request.

There are numerous scenarios for connecting web parts. A simple example is to use a List web part that contains space key and/or page ID information that can be provided to the SharePoint Connector for Confluence web parts. An example of this is shown below. The user simply clicks on the radio button to choose an item in the list and the corresponding space key and page ID are provided to the web parts below the list.

Screenshot: Web Part Connections

To reproduce the above sceanrio, do the following:

  • Create a list that has a space key and/or page ID field.
  • Create a web part page, go into edit mode on the page, and add the following to the web part page:
    • The List web part for your list
    • The Confluence Page web part
    • The Confluence Space Pages Tree View web part
  • Edit the connection of the the Confluence Space Pages Tree View web part and set its provider to be the appropriate field from the list as shown below. You must be in edit mode on the page to make a web part connection.

Screenshot: Making a connection

Screenshot: Configuring the connection

There are many other scenarios for connections. Some other out of the box web parts that specialize in connections are the Filter Web Parts that come with the Enterprise version of MOSS. Each of these filter web parts allows you to configure it to obtain the space key or page ID from different sources and provide one of them to the SharePoint Connector for Confluence web parts. Here are some of the filter web parts in MOSS Enterprise.

  • Business Data Catalog Filter - could provide a space key or page ID taken from a database or web service
  • Choice Filter - can provide a hard-coded choice of space keys from which the user can choose
  • Page Field Filter - looks at fields stored with the curren web part page document library item (in a Pages document library, for example) to provide their values
  • Query String Filter - can provide values from the query string
  • SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Filter - can provide values from SSAS
  • Text Filter - allows the user to type in a value that can be provided

From a technical standpoint, the SharePoint Connector for Confluence web parts consume the IWebPartField interface. This is one of the interfaces provided by the List web parts as well as the Filter web parts. You can create your own web part and have it provide data through this interface as well.


Troubleshooting the SharePoint Connector

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